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Tear-through filler

Tear Trough Fillers or Tear Trough Fillers are used to firm the skin under the eyes or to eliminate dark circles. Many patients worry about dark circles, dark puffiness, excess skin under the eyes. This even from a very young age, and this concern increases over time. People are particularly concerned about the dark circles and shadows under the eyes, the hollows under the eye, or if not hollows, the "fat pockets" under the eye.


From €400


30 minutes


8 to 12 months

Let wel op! Voor elke indicatie is er een specifieke behandeling bv: wanneer je echte vetzakjes onder de ogen hebt, of een overschot aan huid onder de ogen, dan kan dit enkel chirurgisch behandeld worden met een ooglidcorrectie.

Wanneer je je zorgen maakt over de rimpeltjes rondom de ogen (kraaienpootjes) klik dan hier: spierverslappers BTX.

Strengthen the quality of your skin under the eyes, you will be less likely to get wrinkles and dark circles will be remedied by this.

What can tear trough filler or under eye filler be used for?

This treatment is mainly used when one:

  • Has hollows under the eyes (not enough fat volume)
  • dark shadows under the eyes
  • dark circles under the eyes

What tear trough fillers do we use at Sarasin Clinic?

We only use products that give good padding and attract as little moisture as possible! Tear trough fillers are made specifically for this area, which is why you cannot use them in other areas. This is because these fillers are more liquid than our other fillers, so there is little chance of clumping.

Read more about our specific tear trough fillers

How does treatment with tear trough filler work?

In the illustration below, you can see step by step how a tear trough filler treatment proceeds.

tear trough filler treatment

Are there other treatment methods that can enhance the result?

Absolutely! Combine tear duct filler with a Skinbooster for sublime results!

  • In this treatment we are going to use a filler to lift the tear through ligament. Then we will place tiny droplets of skin booster in the thin skin under the eye. This skin booster gives a brightening effect that makes the dark circles disappear, also the skin will be nourished and firmer.
  • This treatment works better for some people than others. Therefore, it is best to discuss in advance with the doctor which treatment is right for you. This can be the combo treatment but it can also be just a tear duct filler, this varies from person to person.

Before and aftercare tear duct filler

  • No makeup in the first 4 hours
  • Also no strenuous exercise that day
  • Avoiding acidic products on the skin for 24 hours
  • No spas no saunas, no hot yoga until 1 week after treatment
tear trough filler aftercare

Before & after photos tear-through filler or tear-through filler

Price tear duct filler

Prices filler treatments
Lip filler€290/spuit
Lip hydration€290/spuit
Smoking lines€400/treatment
tear trough filler€400/treatment
Nose filler€400/treatment
Nasolabial fold - Nasolabial fold filler€290/spuit
Marionette Lines Filler€290/spuit
Cheekbone filler€290/spuit
Jawline filler€290/spuit
Chin filler€290/spuit
Liquid facelift€290/spuit
Hyalase (correction erroneous filler)€200/treatment
Sarasin Clinic plastic surgeon

Book an initial consultation here

Book a free, no-obligation consultation now and get advice tailored to your skin and needs.

Frequently asked questions about tear trough filler

Pain at tear troughFillers

What is the process of treatment with tear trough Fillers?

What is the aftercare after treatment with tear trough filler?

What can you expect after a tear trough filler treatment?

What are the risks associated with tear trough filler treatment?

What if I observe assymetry at some point before the 2-week point?

How long does a treatment with tear trough filler last?

How long will the effect of a tear trough filler remain visible?

How much tear trough filler do I need?