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Nasal filler or non-surgical nose job

The nose plays an incredibly important role in facial attractiveness. Nose fillers are a very commonly performed treatment at Sarasin Clinic.

We use nasal fillers to beautify the nose but also to ultimately look younger and fresher.


From €400


30 minutes


8 to 12 months

Note: We do not perform nasal filler treatment if you have already had surgery on your nose.

The most common nasal procedures at our Clinic are:

  1. Asian nose bridge construction
  2. Camouflaging bumps
  3. Lifting of the nasal tip
  4. Correcting asymmetries

Videos about nasal fillers

Aging of the nose

Our noses change and lose firmness as we age. The structural support of the nasal tip is reduced. Which causes the nasal tip to sag.

Beauty of the nose

Some people are born with beautiful noses. Others are born with noses whose appearance we can improve. For those who are not born with the perfect nose, we can use nonsurgical rhinoplasty to improve the appearance.

Before & after photos of nasal fillers

Many anatomical features important to the beauty of the nose are:

  • the nose position
  • width and height of nose bridge
  • projection of the nose
  • symmetry

How does a nasal filler treatment proceed?

In the drawing below, you can see step by step how a nasal filler treatment proceeds.

nasal filler treatment

A nasal filler can offer improvement for:

  • A flat nasal bridge

Often patients present with a flat or low nasal bridge. It is a fairly simple procedure to inject the filler to lift the bridge of the nose.

  • The shape of the nose

De neus van de patiënt wordt beoordeeld en de arts heeft een gesprek met de patiënt over zijn of haar anatomie en hoe deze kan worden verbeterd.
Soms is de enige oplossing chirurgie. De arts zal samen met jou de meest aangewezen behandeling bespreken.

  • The nasofrontal angle

De nasofrontale hoek (= de hoek tussen jouw neusrug en het begin van je voorhoofd) is belangrijk voor de schoonheid en kan worden verbeterd met een neusfiller.

  • Nose tips

Can be lifted with nasal filler.

  • Hump / Hump

Wanneer het een minimale hump/bult betreft kan men de neus rechter maken door neusfillers. Echter wanneer de hump/bult dermate hoog is dan is chirurgie aangewezen.

  • Symmetry of the nose

Asymmetrie van de neus komt veel voor, en kan worden verbeterd met de behandeling van neusfiller.

  • Columella

De Columella-Labiale of nasolabiale hoek is belangrijk om te bepalen welke kant de neus op lijkt te wijzen. De columella kan worden geïnjecteerd om deze hoek te veranderen en zo het uiterlijk van de neus te verbeteren.

Before and after care nasal filler

  • Ice can always be used to reduce pain and reduce the risk of bruising. Most of the time, this is not even necessary.
  • No makeup for 4 hours
  • No strenuous exercise that day
  • Avoid acidic facial products for 24 hours
  • No spas no saunas, no hot yoga for 1 week after treatment
tear trough filler aftercare

Nose fillers prices

Prices filler treatments
Lip filler€290/spuit
Lip hydration€290/spuit
Smoking lines€400/treatment
tear trough filler€400/treatment
Nose filler€400/treatment
Nasolabial fold - Nasolabial fold filler€290/spuit
Marionette Lines Filler€290/spuit
Cheekbone filler€290/spuit
Jawline filler€290/spuit
Chin filler€290/spuit
Liquid facelift€290/spuit
Hyalase (correction erroneous filler)€200/treatment
Sarasin Clinic plastic surgeon

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Frequently asked questions nasal filler

How much nasal filler do I need?

Pain relief in nasal filler

How does a nasal filler treatment proceed?

What are the side effects or risks of nasal fillers?

What is the aftercare after nasal filler treatment?

What can you expect after a nasal filler treatment?

How long do the results of a nasal filler last?