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Cheekbone filler

Jukbeenfillers kennen een enorme boost dankzij sociale media en het taboe dat rond fillers aan het verdwijnen is. Het middengezicht of midface is een zeer belangrijk gebied in het gezicht betreft schoonheid en leeftijd. Mooi gevormde jukbeenderen dragen bij tot de ideale Face Shape. Wanneer we verouderen is volumeverlies ter hoogte van de wangen een van de eerste kenmerken.
Eén van de schoonheidsidealen in het gezicht zijn de hoge jukbeenderen, vandaar dat de populariteit jukbeenfillers ontzettend is toegenomen. Stars die hiervoor aan de oorsprong liggen zijn de Kardashians en de Jenners.

Filling the cheeks with filler is an effective treatment with minimal downtime.


Vanaf € 290


30 minutes


8 to 12 months

What is the purpose of cheekbone fillers?

Fillers in the cheekbones are usually used for 2 purposes.

On the one hand, one will begin to accommodate volume loss in aging patients because during the aging process, not only does one lose volume in the cheeks, bone resorption also occurs. Which provides structural support to the soft tissues of our face. As a result, we get the typical nasolabial folds (nose/mouth crease) and wrinkles.

On the other hand, the younger crowd wants to strive for the beauty ideal and enlarge their cheekbones by having fillers injected.

Before & after photos cheekbone fillers

Continue reading below photo

What can be achieved with cheekbone fillers?

  • Size of cheekbones: Often patients present with flat/underdeveloped cheeks that need to be enlarged. This is a relatively simple procedure.
  • Skin of the cheeks: Cheek wrinkles and volume loss can be improved with cheekbone fillers.

Want to improve skin quality at the level of the cheeks? Then you can also have pure hyaluronic acid injected.

  • Shape of the cheeks: Some patients need more volume at the front of their cheeks, some need more volume at the sides of their cheeks, and others simply need more volume at the apex of their cheeks.

The patient is assessed and the physician has a conversation with the patient about his or her anatomy and how it can be improved.

  • Aging: As we age, we lose volume in the cheeks and bone resorption occurs, resulting in reduced structural support of the overlying tissue. Thanks to a filler, you can restore firmness to the face.
  • Symmetry of the cheeks: Asymmetry of the cheeks is common, and can be improved with a filler.

What is the process of a cheekbone filler treatment?

In the drawing below, you can see step by step how a cheekbone filler treatment proceeds.

cheekbone filler treatment

Pre- and aftercare cheekbone fillers

Avoid the following:

  • Make up for 4 hours
  • Heavy efforts that day
  • Acidic products for 24 hours
  • Spas, saunas, hot yoga for 1 week after treatment
btx fillers aftercare 1 week no sun

Price cheekbone filler treatment

Prices filler treatments
Lip filler€290/spuit
Lip hydration€290/spuit
Smoking lines€400/treatment
tear trough filler€400/treatment
Nose filler€400/treatment
Nasolabial fold - Nasolabial fold filler€290/spuit
Marionette Lines Filler€290/spuit
Cheekbone filler€290/spuit
Jawline filler€290/spuit
Chin filler€290/spuit
Liquid facelift€290/spuit
Hyalase (correction erroneous filler)€200/treatment
Sarasin Clinic plastic surgeon

Book an initial consultation here

Book a free, no-obligation consultation now and get advice tailored to your skin and needs.

Frequently asked questions cheekbone filler

Choosing the right amount for a cheekbone filler

Does treatment with cheekbone Fillers hurt?

What is the process of cheekbone filler treatment at Sarasin Clinic?

How much time should I allow for a cheekbone filler treatment?

How will I look immediately after treatment with cheekbone Fillers?

Are there any side effects or risks associated with cheekboneFillers?

Aftercare for cheekbone fillers

What can you expect after a cheekbone filler treatment?

How long do the results of a cheekbone filler last?