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Fat Dissolving

Want to reduce fat deposits in a specific area? Then discover our Fat Dissolving treatments! You'll find both Fat Dissolving treatments via injectables (such as lipolysis) or a freezing treatment (cryolipolysis) at Sarasin Clinic.

These treatments are often offered in conjunction with a skin tightening treatment such as HIFU.


From €200


15 minutes



What is Fat Dissolving?

Fat dissolving treatments do exactly what the name says: they are treatments that counteract fat accumulation in certain areas of your body, such as the chin or hips.

What types of Fat Dissolving treatments does Sarasin Clinic offer?

double chin lipolysis

Welke zones kan je behandelen met Fat Dissolving?

  1. Dubbele Kin
  2. Upper arms
  3. Love Handles
  4. Belly
  5. Zitvlak
  6. Outer Thighs
  7. Inner Thighs
  8. Knees

1. Lipolysis

Vetverbranding injecties

Who is a Lipolysis treatment suitable for?

  • Voor mensen met een lastig laagje vet in bepaalde zones dat maar moeilijk weg te krijgen is
  • For both men and women
  • Mensen die geen operatie wensen
What are the benefits of Lipolysis?
  • No general anesthesia
  • Fewer side effects thanks to lipolysis
  • Long visible and gradual result

Is er nazorg nodig bij Lipolyse?

Na de behandeling kun je direct terugkeren naar je dagelijkse routine, maar het is raadzaam om enkele activiteiten te vermijden zoals:

  • Vermijd gedurende 24 uur na de behandeling sauna’s, spa’s, infraroodbehandelingen en overmatig alcoholgebruik.
  • Het wordt ook aanbevolen om gedurende 24 uur na de behandeling niet te sporten.

View the before and after photos of a Lipolysis treatment here


From €200


15 minutes



2. Cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis combats fat accumulation with a cell-freezing cold treatment

Who is Cryolipolysis suitable for?

  • For men and women
  • People who want to reduce fat deposits in a non-invasive way
What areas can we treat with Cryolipolysis?
  • Double chin
  • Belly
  • Knees
  • Love Handles
  • Thighs: inside and outside
  • Upper arms
  • Seat surface + buttock fold
What are the benefits of Cryolipolysis?
  • Non-surgical technology
  • Targeted fat reduction
  • This latest fat loss technology can reduce up to 20% of fat in a treatment area

View the before and after photos of a Lipolysis treatment here

Twijfel je welke vetoplossende behandeling je moet kiezen?

Niet zeker over welke behandeling het meest geschikt is? Er zijn vaak verschillende opties beschikbaar om vetophopingen aan te pakken. Aarzel niet om een gratis consult in te plannen, waarbij we je adviseren over de behandeling die het beste bij jou past.

Before & After Photos Fat Dissolving

Fat Dissolving prices

Prijzen Lipolyse / Lemonbottle
Dubbele Kin 1 flacon€ 200
Dubbele Kin 2 flacons€ 250
Onderarmen 2 flacons€ 250
Extra flacon: +50 €
Onderbuik 3 flacons
€ 300
Extra flacon: +50 €
Love Handles 3 flacons€ 300
Extra flacon: +50 €
Binnenkant Dijen (beide) 3 flacons€ 300
Extra flacon: +50 €
Buitenkant Dijen (beide) 3 flacons€ 300
Extra flacon: +50 €
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Sarasin Clinic plastic surgeon

Book an initial consultation here

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Frequently asked questions about Fat Dissolving

How does a cryolipolysis treatment feel

What side effects may occur?

What areas can be improved with cryolipolysis?

What results can I expect?

Who is cryolipolysis not suitable for?

What is Cryolipolysis / Fat Freezing?

How does fat freezing work?

Does cryolipolysis really work?

Can you lose weight by freezing fat?

Will cryolipolysis damage tissue or organs?

How many Cryolipolysis treatments are required?

Who should not undergo cryolipolysis treatment?

How does cryotechnology work?

At what temperatures does fat freezing work?

When will you begin to see the results of fat freezing?

What are the side effects of lipolysis?

From when is the result visible with lipolysis?

How long do the results remain visible with lipolysis?

Who is lipolysis not suitable for?

What can you expect after the treatment?