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Chin filler or chin filler

Chin fillers are increasing in popularity and are often also treated when patients come for a jawline filler. Many patients have a recessive chin (chin that is set back too much) or the chin can just be improved in general. The chin is also important to the appearance of a defined jawline.

As women age, our skull rotates. In the process, the chin moves backward. The bone and soft tissue in the chin area dissolves. Which leaves us with less structural support in that area. This has a fluid effect on our neck and cheeks. It is easy to replace the structural support that has been lost with a filler.


From €280


30 minutes


8 to 12 months

Chinfillers can be injected for 2 purposes:

  1. To look younger
  2. To look more beautiful

Some people are born with a large profile, including a well-projected chin. Others are born with less developed chins, whose appearance can be improved. For those not born with the perfect chin, it is easy to inject chin fillers to improve the appearance. For those born with a large chin profile, only a surgical procedure can improve the aesthetic appearance.

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What can chin fillers be used for?

  • Size of the chin: It is very easy to enlarge the patient's chin with a filler. Conversely not, if the chin is too large, one will refer to the plastic surgeon or oral/jaw surgeon.
  • Chin length: Some patients have a chin that is too short. This can be easily remedied with filler injections to lengthen the chin.
  • Projection of the chin: It is very common for patients to present with recessive chin in profile (when the chin is too backward). The filler can be injected to create a stronger, more projected chin.
  • Chin shape: Some patients have a chin that is too long, wide, angular or less angular. Other patients find their chin too pointed or too square. We can make these rounder. Others, in turn, want a more pointed, angular appearance of their chin.

Together with the doctor, we look at where improvement of the chin may be needed. Sometimes placing a filler cannot help and surgery is indicated. Also in this we are going to give you honest advice and refer you where necessary.

Most importantly, your wishes will be listened to and the right treatment procedure suggested.

  • Skin of the chin: This can be improved with a filler, BTX, PRP or Profhilo
  • Symmetry of the chin: Asymmetry of the chin can be improved with filler treatment.

How does a chin filler treatment proceed?

In the drawing below, you can see step by step how a chin filler treatment proceeds.

chin filler treatment

Pre- and aftercare chin fillers

  • No makeup for 4 hours
  • Also no strenuous exercise that day
  • Acidic products should not be used in the last 24 hours
  • No spas no saunas, no hot yoga for 1 week after treatment
tear trough filler aftercare

Videos about (chin) fillers

Before & after photos chin filler treatment

Prices chin fillers

Prices filler treatments
Lip filler€290/spuit
Lip hydration€290/spuit
Smoking lines€400/treatment
tear trough filler€400/treatment
Nose filler€400/treatment
Nasolabial fold - Nasolabial fold filler€280/syringe
Marionette Lines Filler€280/syringe
Cheekbone filler€280/syringe
Jawline filler€280/syringe
Chin filler€280/syringe
Liquid facelift€280/syringe
Hyalase (correction erroneous filler)€200/treatment
Sarasin Clinic plastic surgeon

Book an initial consultation here

Book a free, no-obligation consultation now and get advice tailored to your skin and needs.

Frequently asked questions about chin fillers

Does treatment with chinFillers hurt?

How does a chin filler treatment proceed?

Are there any side effects or risks associated with kinFillers?

aftercare with chinFillers

What can you expect after chin filler treatment?

How long will the treatment take?

How long will the results of a chin filler remain visible?

How much chin filler do I need?