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Large pores face: tips for smoother, refined skin

Also so focused on large pores on your face? Fortunately, Sarasin Clinic can help you with this! We offer numerous treatments to reduce large pores on your face.

The inescapable truth: we all have pores

There's no way around it: pores are an essential part of our skin structure. They provide a conduit for oil and sweat and keep our skin supple and hydrated. Although everyone has pores, some enjoy the luxury of barely visible pores, while others struggle with large, noticeable pores. These natural gateways on our skin are more likely to be noticed if they are clogged, which is often the result of excessive sebum secretion or a lack of skin elasticity.

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Sarasin Clinic coarse pores nose banner

Large pores face: the professional treatments of Sarasin Clinic

At Sarasin Clinic, we understand - your skin has its own character and deserves a customized approach. Leave the one-size-fits-all mentality behind and explore our selection of customized treatments. When your pores could use some extra loving and care, discover Sarasin Clinic's pore refining treatments, ready to give you smoother skin.

1. Saraskin Cream

Step into the world of Saraskin Cream, your new BFF for revitalized skin with perfect pores. This delicious cream combines the best of science and nature - a wealth of antioxidants, vitamins and botanical extracts to strengthen your skin's collagen and elastin and repair those pesky coarse pores.

See the before and after photos of our Saraskin creams here

2. Deep cleaning

Time for a deep dive with our Deepclean treatment! This treatment flushes away the party crashers of pores (i.e. dirt, oil and makeup) and works like a charm to distill fresh, clean skin and shrink those stubborn pores. You'll look like a newborn dolphin, sleek and glistening!

3. Mesotox

Meet Mesotox, a groundbreaking innovation in pore reduction. Designed to target the most clogged small skin spots, this treatment easily goes to your congested areas and sweeps away stubborn pore-clogging elements. The result? Smooth skin with tighter pores.

See the results of a Mesotox treatment here

4. Aquashine

Enter the Aquashine experience, where hydration reigns supreme. With a unique blend of hyaluronic acid, vitamins and amino acids, this treatment injects a surge of hydration right where your skin needs it most. Bonus: it also helps shrink your pores.

5. Microneedling + RF

Fancy treating yourself to a touch of high-tech? Our Microneedling + RF treatment is just what you need. Minuscule needles puncture the skin's surface while radio frequency waves massage and rejuvenate. The result: refined pores, a tighter complexion and a new radiance.

View the before and after photos of a Microneedling + RF treatment here

6. Medical peels

Finally, let's take a hint about medical peelings. A superstar in exfoliation and skin renewal, these peels counteract large pores by stimulating cell renewal and removing dead skin cells. The result? Radiant, silky smooth skin and pores that look less noticeable.

View the before and after photos of a Medical Peeling treatment here

Result of large pores face treatment

Sarasin Clinic mesotox porien
Sarasin Clinic mesotox porien
Sarasin Clinic mesotox porien
Sarasin Clinic deep clean before after
Sarasin Clinic deep clean before after
Sarasin Clinic Aquashine large pores before and after
Sarasin Clinic Aquashine large pores before and after
Sarasin Clinic large pore reduction
Sarasin Clinic aquashine

Book a treatment at Sarasin Clinic to address large pores on your face 

Large pores face treatment: Prices

Price SaraSkin Cream
Saraskin Glow Cream€65
Saraskin Serum€65
Prices of medical peels
TCA peeling€600/treatment
Prices Sarasin Beauty
Semi Permanent Make-UpFor prices PMU Click here
Deepclean Face€ 125
Deepclean Scalp€ 125
Mesotox face or neck€ 450
Mesotox around the mouth€ 350
Sarasin Facial Care:
Luxury Facial:
Deepclean + Facial + LED (1h)
€ 200
Diamond Facial:
Deepclean + Facial + Medical Microneedling or HIFU (1 zone ) + LED (1h30)
€ 350
Prices microneedling + RF treatment
Microneedling + RF face & neck - 1st & 2nd session€350/session
Microneedling + RF face & neck - 3rd session€250/session
Microneedling + RF face, neck & décolleté - 1st & 2nd session€450/session
Microneedling + RF face, neck & décolleté - 3rd session€300/session
Price Aquashine treatment
Sarasin Clinic coarse pores face daily skin care routine
Sarasin Clinic plastic surgeon

Book an initial consultation here

Book a free, no-obligation consultation now and get advice tailored to your skin and needs.

The science behind large pores

To effectively address the problem of large pores face, it is crucial to understand what causes it. Some primary factors contribute to large pores:

1. Sun damage and environmental factors.

  • A surprising fact is that the sun, although essential for life on earth, can be a double-edged sword for our skin. Sun exposure over the years can thicken our skin and reduce its elasticity. This makes our pores appear larger - think of it as an optical illusion caused by the sun. It's not that your pores have suddenly become super-sized versions now. They are the same old pores, just temporarily enlarged by the lack of elasticity.
  • Moreover, environmental pollution can worsen the situation by settling in the pores, causing them to stretch and become more conspicuous.

2. Oily skin

Excessive sebum production along with dead skin cells, dirt and debris can clog pores. This, in turn, can lead to blackheads, acne and large pores.

3. Aging and loss of skin elasticity.

  • As we age, the skin's natural regenerative capacity slows down, leading to a loss of collagen and elastin - the essential proteins responsible for maintaining the skin's elasticity.
  • The skin may sag and loosen around the pores, making them appear larger.

4. Hormonal changes

  • And last but not least, let's not forget those famous hormonal tsunamis that shake us from time to time.
  • Hormonal changes, especially in women, can lead to increased oil production - a perfect preparation for larger pores.
  • By exploring methods to regulate oil production, improve collagen and elastin synthesis and maintain overall skin health, we can take a targeted approach to coarse pores.


Navigating the world of large pores can feel like a wild adventure. But fear not, because Sarasin Clinic is here to guide you through it all. We have learned that large pores such as those on your nose, for example, are not culprits; they are simply part of our skin. Good nutrition and a consistent skincare routine are your undercover superheroes in this journey to smoother skin.

At Sarasin Clinic, we are your biggest fans and are excited to watch you become the centerpiece of the blockbuster of your life - your journey to beautiful skin!

Sarasin Clinic plastic surgeon

Book an initial consultation here

Book a free, no-obligation consultation now and get advice tailored to your skin and needs.

Large pores face: Frequently Asked Questions

What causes large pores?

Are these treatments for large pores painful?

How soon can I see results after treatment?

Do these treatments have side effects?

How long does it take to see results from coarse pore treatments?

Can over-the-counter products help shrink coarse pores?

Do pores get bigger as you age?

Do men tend to have larger pores than women?

What causes clogging of pores?

What are some natural remedies for shrinking pores?

Can aging affect the size of my pores?

Does skin type help determine pore size?

Are professional treatments effective for shrinking pores?

How important is sun protection for maintaining smaller pores?

Are large pores a sign of acne?

Can I permanently shrink my pores?

What home remedies can I use to shrink large pores?

Is makeup bad for large pores?

Can large pores reappear after treatment?

Is it safe to combine multiple treatments to address large pores?

How does the Sarasin treatment reduce the size of pores?

Are there any side effects of Sarasin treatments?

How long will it take before I see results?

Waarom heb ik grove poriën?

Welke crème kan ik het beste gebruiken bij grote poriën?

Hoe kom je van overtollig talg af?

Kan je poriën uitknijpen?

Have more questions or need help with your skin? Get in touch today contact at with our experts!