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Understanding and treating large pores

Do you feel like you're endlessly searching for perfect skin? You look in the mirror, and - ah! - there they are. Big pores! And once they're there, they don't seem to go away. From now on, this belongs to the past. It's time to take back control for yourself!

At Sarasin Clinic, we want to help you regain your confidence and say goodbye to those pesky large pores that disrupt your youthful glow. Find out below which treatments can help you fade large pores.

What are large pores?

Large pores, often called enlarged or coarse pores, are a common skin problem. Actually, they are the open surface of hair follicles. Each pore contains a sebaceous gland that produces oil, also known as sebum, that keeps the skin healthy. However, pore enlargement can have several causes, including increased hair follicle volume, reduced flexibility around the pores and increased sebum secretion. (1)

Large pores are most noticeable on the face and cheeks and can easily be seen with the naked eye. Therefore, large pores are probably one of the main causes of aesthetic complaints. Pore size can also be affected by factors such as whether or not you have chronic, recurrent acne, your hormone levels and your skincare routine. Because many different skin types and conditions can contribute to enlarged pores, each patient's treatment plan should be tailored to their specific needs.

Now that we've defined large pores and given a brief overview of their main causes, we'll go into more detail on each in the following sections. Find out here how large pores occur and how best to treat them.

Continue reading below the photo

Sarasin Clinic large pores face

How to Treat Large Pores

At Sarasin Clinic, we revolutionize skin treatments by offering advanced, high-quality treatments for a variety of skin conditions, including large pores. Here are a few treatment options that can help you regain smooth skin and ensure the health of your skin.

1. Saraskin Cream

  • This is the flagship product of our Clinic - a skin-enhancing cream designed to rejuvenate the skin and give it a radiant glow.
  • Saraskin Cream contains ingredients that stimulate the regeneration and renewal of skin cells, making large pores less visible.
  • Ingredients such as vitamin C, AHAs and BHAs work to rejuvenate skin and fade acne, giving the skin a smooth texture. In addition, vitamin A helps accelerate skin renewal and unclog pores, leading to firmer skin.
  • The cream also contains brightening ingredients such as Kojic acid, which reduces melanin production, and Azelaic acid, which softens the skin's outer layer and prevents the growth of acne-causing bacteria.

See the before and after photos of our Saraskin creams here

2. Medical Peeling

  • Medical peels use acids to exfoliate the outer layer of the skin, revealing fresher and smoother skin. This treatment can help shrink large pores, improve the texture and éclat of the skin and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Depending on the strength and type of peel, recovery can range from mild redness to significant peeling after a few days.

View the before and after photos of a Medical Peeling treatment here

3. Mesotox treatment

Mesotox is a transformative skin treatment offered to shrink coarse pores. Mesotox treatment involves the injection or microneedling of multiple microparticles of diluted botox. These are introduced into the interface between the skin and the superficial muscles. This process dramatically reduces sweat and sebum activity, leading to an improvement in skin texture and radiance. Mesotox works specifically on coarse and large pores and even redness (rosacea). Remarkably, it is also effective in reducing coarse pores on the nose!

Mesotox treatment has a host of benefits:

  • It delivers natural and spectacular results for an even complexion and fewer large pores.
  • It targets the superficial layers of your skin, which are often ignored in traditional Botox procedures.
  • It improves your overall skin texture by reducing wrinkles and pores.

See the results of a Mesotox treatment here

Want to discover effective treatment methods for large pores?

Don't wait until your next acne outbreak.

4. Deepclean treatment

This is a customized non-invasive treatment to thoroughly cleanse your skin. This treatment is similar to a spa day for your skin, designed to unclog pores, remove impurities and rid your skin of dead cells. With specialized technology and special serums, Deepclean gives your skin a bright and healthy glow.

At Sarasin Clinic, you get a thorough manual cleansing on top.

The Deepclean treatment proceeds like this:

  • Cleansing and exfoliation: Removal of dead skin cells and impurities, rejuvenation of the skin.
  • Extraction: Gentle suction to unclog pores, remove impurities and reduce blackheads. We also finish everything manually so that even stubborn impurities are definitely removed.
  • Hydration: Application of hydrating serums that nourish and restore the skin.
  • Protection: A protective layer is applied to protect the skin from harmful external factors such as UV rays and pollution.

5. Microneedling + RF

  • Microneedling + RF treatment is an advanced solution that combines microneedling with radiofrequency (RF) for optimal skin rejuvenation. It is particularly effective for addressingvarious skin problems such as fine lines, large pores, loose skin, acne scars and stretch marks.
  • The procedure uses micro-needles to create micro-channels in the skin, stimulating skin renewal and collagen production. At the same time, radiofrequency energy heats the dermis layer, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, resulting in tighter skin and fewer wrinkles.
  • Experience the benefits of combining two powerful skin rejuvenation techniques with the Microneedling + RF treatment for large pores and enjoy radiant, youthful skin!

View the before and after photos of a Microneedling + RF treatment here

6. Aquashine

  • Aquashine is a rejuvenating skin treatment offered for the treatment of Enlarged Pores, among others. The procedure uses an injectable biostimulator combined with peptides, hyaluronic acid and other skin-enhancing ingredients. It is particularly effective for addressing a range of skin concerns, including dull skin, fine lines, volume loss, skin sagging and enlarged pores.
  • The treatment involves administering small injections of Aquashine into your skin to actively stimulate the production of new collagen and inhibit its breakdown, improving skin density and elasticity.
  • Benefits include reduction of wrinkles, improved complexion, hydration and nourishment of the skin and prevention of age spots. The effect of this half-hour treatment lasts for 8-12 months.

Not sure about which treatment is best for you?

No problem! Book a Skincare Consultation with Nurse Karen and she will review with you which treatments you can get the most benefit from.

Result of Large Pores Treatment

Sarasin Clinic mesotox porien
Sarasin Clinic mesotox porien
Sarasin Clinic mesotox porien
Sarasin Clinic deep clean before after
Sarasin Clinic deep clean before after
Sarasin Clinic Aquashine large pores before and after
Sarasin Clinic Aquashine large pores before and after
Sarasin Clinic large pore reduction
Sarasin Clinic aquashine

Prices Treatments Large Pores

Price SaraSkin Cream
Saraskin Glow Cream€65
Saraskin Serum€65
Prices of medical peels
TCA peeling€600/treatment
Prices Sarasin Beauty
Semi Permanent Make-UpFor prices PMU Click here
Deepclean Face€ 125
Deepclean Scalp€ 125
Mesotox face or neck€ 450
Mesotox around the mouth€ 350
Sarasin Facial Care:
Luxury Facial:
Deepclean + Facial + LED (1h)
€ 200
Diamond Facial:
Deepclean + Facial + Medical Microneedling or HIFU (1 zone ) + LED (1h30)
€ 350
Prices microneedling + RF treatment
Microneedling + RF face & neck - 1st & 2nd session€350/session
Microneedling + RF face & neck - 3rd session€250/session
Microneedling + RF face, neck & décolleté - 1st & 2nd session€450/session
Microneedling + RF face, neck & décolleté - 3rd session€300/session
Price Aquashine treatment
Sarasin Clinic coarse pore treatments

The impact of large pores on skin health

Enlarged or large pores can have several influences on the health of your skin, both aesthetically and functionally. While many people view large pores as a cosmetic problem, it is essential to understand the impact they can have on overall skin health.

1. Increased sebum production and sweating

The fundamental function of pores on the face is to provide an outlet for the production of sebum, which moisturizes and protects the skin. It is an overproduction of sebum that can lead to enlarged pores.

2. Sensitivity to skin problems

Large pores can increase vulnerability to skin problems by increasing the accumulation of dirt, bacteria, dead skin cells and excess sebum. As a result, enlarged pores can become clogged, leading to the formation of blackheads or whiteheads, acne flare-ups and overall irregular skin texture.

3. Elastosis elicitation

Large pores may also indicate early signs of elastosis, a condition associated with photoaging. This is when skin texture becomes rough and leathery due to damaged elastin.

4. Increased risk of infection

Larger pores become clogged faster, and this can lead to possible inflammation or infection, such as folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicles). Especially if they are not thoroughly cleaned, the chances of developing this condition can increase.

5. Psychological impact

In addition to the physical presence, large pores can also have emotional and psychological consequences. The aesthetic concerns associated with enlarged pores can affect a person's self-esteem, emotional well-being and social interactions.

Sarasin Clinic plastic surgeon

Book an initial consultation here

Book a free, no-obligation consultation now and get advice tailored to your skin and needs.

Large Pores Frequently Asked Questions

What causes large pores?

Are these treatments for large pores painful?

How soon can I see results after treatment?

Do these treatments have side effects?

How long does it take to see results from coarse pore treatments?

Can over-the-counter products help shrink coarse pores?

Do pores get bigger as you age?

Do men tend to have larger pores than women?

What causes clogging of pores?

What are some natural remedies for shrinking pores?

Can aging affect the size of my pores?

Does skin type help determine pore size?

Are professional treatments effective for shrinking pores?

How important is sun protection for maintaining smaller pores?

Are large pores a sign of acne?

Can I permanently shrink my pores?

What home remedies can I use to shrink large pores?

Is makeup bad for large pores?

Can large pores reappear after treatment?

Is it safe to combine multiple treatments to address large pores?

How does the Sarasin treatment reduce the size of pores?

Are there any side effects of Sarasin treatments?

How long will it take before I see results?

Waarom heb ik grove poriën?

Welke crème kan ik het beste gebruiken bij grote poriën?

Hoe kom je van overtollig talg af?

Kan je poriën uitknijpen?

Do you have more questions about the right treatment for Large Pores? - Book your consultation today!