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How to stimulate hair growth? Sarasin Clinic provides you with the best tips for healthy hair growth

More and more people are actively looking for ways to stimulate hair growth. Animal products, vegetable oils and different types of conditioner often pass in review. Yet it is almost impossible to achieveoptimal hair growth if you do not know the cause of your hair loss. In this article Sarasin Clinic lists the most important factors that determine hair growth and provides the most important tips for stimulating it. How to prevent hair loss and get (back) a full head of hair!

Cycle of hair

Normally your hair goes through four different stages. We start with the anagenic phase or the growth phase. In this phase your hair grows an average of 15 cm per year. Then your hair goes into the catagen phase. Here the active hair growth stops and the hair is cut off from the blood supply. In this phase your hair does continue to grow for a while.

Is the catagen phase over? Then comes the telogenic phase. This phase is also known as the resting phase, in which your hair stops growing. Finally, your hair is in the exogenous phase, in which your hair begins to fall out. Do you lose more hair than is created in the anagen phase? Then you suffer from problematic hair loss.

Sarasin Clinic hair growth cycle drawing

Continue reading below the photo

Hair loss man

The 7 main factors that determine your hair growth & tips to positively influence them

#1 Stress

  • Would you like to accelerate your hair growth? Then reduce your stress levels. Stress causes your body to produce cortisol and adrenaline. This will cause your body to overproduce lactic acid. Subsequently, this lactic acid will damage your hair roots, causing hair loss cause.
  • Are you still struggling with high stress levels? Then take a relaxing shower and wash your hair with a mild shampoo. This strengthens your hair roots, so stress will not take hold as easily. A head massage can also have a positive impact on your hair growth, as it improves circulation.
  • Have you tried this, but isn't it enough to cause a difference? Then Sarasin Clinic is here to help you. Our effective remedies with PRP and hair fillers can re-stimulate hair growth. Book your appointment now!

#2 You are what you eat: how to boost hair growth thanks to healthy lifestyle

  • A healthy lifestyle is essential for a healthy head of hair. In fact, a poor diet causes a deficiency in vitamin B and various minerals. Iron deficiency and even various eating disorders can also lead to hair loss. A healthy hair growth stimulate, you do simply by a varied diet diet.
  • Are you just dieting vigorously? Then you may have gone a little too far. Several factors affect your hair growth, so healthy eating alone is not enough. When dieting, you suddenly start eliminating a lot of foods from your meals, which has a detrimental effect on your hair growth.  
  • Let your hair come back strong and full thanks to treatments from Sarasin Clinic. Make an appointment now and soon enjoy again healthy and voluminous hair.

#3 Medication

  • Suffering from sudden hair loss? Then you should read the package insert of your medication. In many cases you can prevent hair loss by Changing your medication. Certain medications contain harmful ingredients with hair loss as a side effect. Whether you react effectively to these is largely genetic and is therefore not always the case.
  • If you doubt that your hair loss is effectively due to your medication, it is best to talk to your family doctor or dermatologist. They will be happy to help you find an appropriate solution.

#4 Taxing hairstyles and poor hair care.

Hair overloading women
  • It seems simple, yet stressful hair styles and improper hair care are one of the biggest culprits for hair loss. According to the specialized team at Sarasin Clinic, for example, it is recommended to Do not curl, style or blow dry your hair more than three times a week. This is because excessive use of heat can also cause hair loss.
  • Tight, tighter, tightest. Tight hairstyles are often fashionable but can lead to severe hair loss. They damage your hair and the consequences are often irreversible. Try to restore your hair by using a hair mask. Also, treat your hair with essential oils and strengthening shampoo. It will strengthen your hair roots and reduce hair loss. Which products are best suited for your hair? Ask your hairdresser for advice on this. They know your hair like no other and can offer the best service.
    Would you still like a tight hairstyle now and then? Then avoid plastic brushes. They make your hair static and damage it faster than metal ones.
  • Have you sworn off your too-tight hairstyles, but want to get back to a full head of hair? Then stop by Sarasin Clinic. Our effective and natural remedies with PRP and hair fillers help you in no time enjoy a beautiful head of hair again.

#5 Hormonal hair loss

  • You can eat enough vitamins and take care of a healthy scalp but still suffer from hair loss. Sometimes it's simply due to hormonal changes. Do you suffer from male pattern baldness? Then it may be due to your testosterone. This hormone transforms and attacks the hair follicles, causing hair loss. As a woman, are you pregnant or in menopause? Then you may have already found the cause of your hair loss.
  • Hair loss in women is less common, but is often a bigger problem than in men. Unfortunately, combating hair loss in this case is not so easy. There are certain medications that promote hair growth, but of course they are not miracle drugs. Do you still want to hair loss? Then a Sarasin Clinic is guaranteed to help your. Our specialized remedies with PRP or hair fillers help you enjoy your beautiful hair back quickly. Make an appointment now!

#6 Hair loss due to chemotherapy

  • Chemotherapy can also cause hair loss. Healthy cells are affected, making the scalp more sensitive and dry. Hair first becomes thinner and falls out two or three weeks after the first treatment. Fortunately, this depends on the type of chemo and thus is not always the case.
  • Fighting hair loss is not an option in this case. What can be done is a temporary wig of actions such as for example Think Pink. Here especially women offer their long locks to be turned into wigs. That way you never have to go through life without your gorgeous locks.
  • Moreover, hair loss from chemotherapy is something temporary. When you overcome the disease and stop chemotherapy, the hair follicles can recover. So you get new hairsalthough they may look different than they did before the chemotherapy.
Hair loss chemo

#7 Androgenetic alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia is a form of hereditary hair loss and is thus inherited from your genes. In this case, it is impossible to stimulate hair growth naturally through vitamins and minerals or proper care of the scalp, for example.

Androgenetic alopecia occurs in both men and women occur. While men effectively lose hair, women mainly deal with hair that looks thinner. Yet it appears to be more problematic in women, as baldness in this category is not yet widely accepted. When a woman suffers from hereditary hair loss, it is important to look for possible hormonal disorders.

How to extra stimulate hair growth? Hair fillers or PRP

Although there are several methods to stimulate hair growth, they do not work equally well for everyone. Moreover, you often need a lot of patience to see results. But not to worry because there are plenty of other solutions to tackle hair growth. In just six months, experts can provide you with a fuller head of hair thanks to hair fillers or PRP. Through the peptide technique (hair fillers) your hair will regain a faster hair growth regrowth, create a healthy scalp and so the hair loss. Want to know more? Read more on the website of Sarasin Clinic or make an appointment online.

PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is a plasma rich in platelets. After a blood draw the blood is centrifuged until only platelets remain, which are then injected into the scalp. These platelets stimulate the stem cells, allowing a natural healing process is initiated. This improves the quality of your scalp and your hair, and you can in no time enjoy again strong hair.

Are you ready to enjoy a voluminous head of hair again? Make an appointment at Sarasin Clinic. We hope to welcome you soon.

Results stimulating hair growth with hair filler or PRP

Hair filler

Sarasin Clinic hair filler after 3 sessions 3spray each time
Sarasin Clinic hair filler After 3 sessions
Sarasin Clinic hairfiller man after 4 sessions


PRP treatment before and after photos
Sarasin Clinic PRP treatment comparison residual after 2 sessions
Sarasin Clinic PRP

Videos hair growth stimulating hair filler

Prices hair growth stimulate hair filler & prp

Hair filler treatments prices
Hair filler small zone (1ml)€200/session
Hair filler medium zone (2ml)€300/session
Hair filler large zone (3ml)€400/session
Sarasin Clinic hair filler zones_signature
PRP treatments prices
PRP treatments
PRP 1st session€350/session
PRP 2nd session€350/session
PRP last session (for 3 sessions total)€250/session
PRP for the lips€350/session
PRP skin improvement€350/session
PRP against hair loss€350/session
Sarasin Clinic plastic surgeon

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Frequently asked questions about hair growth stimulation: hair filler and prp

Is PRP treatment painful?

How much does a PRP treatment cost?

How often should I repeat a PRP treatment?

How long does the aftercare of a PRP treatment last?

Is PRP treatment dangerous?

What can I expect from a hair filler treatment?

PRP or hair filler against hair loss?

What are the risks and complications with a hair filler?

What is the result of a hair filler?

How does a hair filler protocol work?

Complementary care with hair Fillers