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Fillers under eyes

Fillers under the eyes against volume loss, dark shadows, puffiness and dark circles: types, treatment, cost and complications. We explain under eye fillers in this article.

Fillers under the eyes: types, treatment, costs and complications

Fillers under the eyes: you may know them by the name tear trough fillers or tear through fillers. They are a versatile and effective remedy for all kinds of (age-related) ailments under the eyes.

Because they are so multifunctional, they can be used for a lot of applications in the under-eye region. As a result, fillers under the eyes can help many people.

To guide you through the world of tear trough treatment, we give you an overview of the different applications of under eye fillers. In addition, we give you what to expect from such a treatment , how much it costs, what possible complications are and how to avoid them.

Sit back in your seat, have a cup of coffee or tea with it and take your time to read this blog. After all, there is a lot of information coming up that is essential if you are considering under-eye fillers. Ready, set, go!

Types of under-eye filler treatments

You can use under-eye fillers to address different types of problems. They can thus get rid of dark circles or puffiness, shadows, and wrinkles under the eyes.

Below you can read what a tear trough treatment can do against each of the above problems. That way, you'll know right away if you can use these fillers against your insecurities in the region under your eyes.

Dark circles or bags under the eyes

Puffiness as a sign of fatigue or old age

'The bags under my eyes are Chanel,' you may hear someone say -laughingly. However, if you yourself suffer from permanent dark circles or bags under the eyes, you have probably passed the stage of self-deprecation.

Dark circles under the eyes give you an older look. This is no exaggeration at all: in fact, a scientific study proved that people around the world interpret puffiness the same way.

So how does this come about? To estimate both a person's age and fatigue, we always look at the eyes, and more specifically the region under the eyes. If you have bags under the eyes, people are more likely to interpret that as a sign of fatigue, old age or even sadness.

tear trough filler

S.O.S. for bags under the eyes: hyaluronic acid fillers

Are you tormented by permanent puffiness or dark circles? Can makeup and ointments no longer save you? No worries, you don't have to resign yourself to your permanently tired appearance!

There is another option you can explore: the filler. This is the ideal remedy to get rid of dark circles and puffiness. In fact, hyaluronic acid fillers have been scientifically proven to be a very effective remedy for these types of problems.

Where ointments and concealers are mediocre at removing puffiness or dark circles, hyaluronic acid-based fillers are the holy grail. Not a waste of money: they really work.

But how do they work against dark circles? We'll explain that to you in detail! You may be dealing with puffiness due to hereditary predisposition or they may appear on your face as you age. For both causes, it is important to know that the skin around your eyes is one of the thinnest of the whole body is.

Hereditary predisposition to puffiness

Because the skin there is so thin, it can also be somewhat translucent. As a result, in some people you may be able to see the blood vessels running under the skin. These give the region under the eye a bluish purple color, which causes puffiness. In addition, a hereditary volume deficiency may also be at the root of these dark circles.

tear trough filler
Puffiness as part of aging

The older we get, the thinner the skin under our eyes becomes. This is because subcutaneous connective tissue, like subcutaneous fat, decreases.

The result? Dark circles under the eyes appear or are further highlighted. In some cases, a crease appears from the inner corner of the eye toward the cheeks and cheekbones

This line is also known as the tear trough. That's why fillers under the eyes are often called tear trough fillers. That line allows your puffiness to become quite obvious.

With a hyaluronic acid-based filler, you can reduce or remove puffiness. This is possible both if they have a hereditary origin and if they are created as a result of the aging process. This is because these fillers attract moisture, making the region under the eyes more hydrated.

In addition, the hyaluronic acid-based filler also applies volume to the region under the eyes. This gives the skin an lift and makes it look fuller again.

tear trough filler


Sometimes the dark circles under your eyes are not necessarily bags, but rather shadows.

Such shadows under the eyes are caused by a volume deficit. This can be due to cheekbones and eye sockets that are too narrow. You can suffer from this from an early age due to hereditary predisposition.

However, it is also possible to suffer from this later in life. This is because the skin under the eyes has difficulty retaining moisture and the level of elastin there is fairly low. As age advances, even less elastin and collagen are produced, which are two substances responsible for keeping the skin young.

Add to that a decrease in bone mass, and you soon suffer from sunken eyelids. This is by no means the case for everyone, but a large portion of the population will experience it sooner or later.

Hyaluronic acid for renewed volume

The use of fillers has also been scientifically proven to be an effective solution for shadows under the eyes. As you can read above, hyaluronic acid is able to add or restore volume. And let that be exactly what is needed for a volume deficit under the eyes.

By applying hyaluronic acid in the tear trough, the sunken skin is raised again. The skin under the eyes then rises again, eliminating the shadow.

tear trough filler


A very well-known aging phenomenon is wrinkling. It is something that bothers many of us immensely. Especially wrinkles around the eyes easily make us feel insecure and make us look older.

Two types of wrinkles

You can use fillers against wrinkles around the eyes, but a distinction must be made between two types of wrinkles: static and dynamic wrinkles. In fact, depending on the type of wrinkles, a different treatment is needed.

  • Dynamic wrinkles are also called expression wrinkles. They are caused by the contraction of muscles. Typical examples are crow's feet, forehead wrinkles and laugh lines.
  • Static wrinkles are caused by gravity. For example, we think of drooping cheeks or the nose-lip fold. You can address these types of wrinkles with fillers because they are caused by volume loss due to bone resorption, less collagen and less elastin, among other things.

Hyaluronic acid filler against static wrinkles under the eyes

Hyaluronic acid helps give volume where it is needed. Since wrinkles under your eyes are a result of a volume deficit, treatment with fillers is the ideal solution to this problem.

For expression wrinkles, it is better to opt for treatment with muscle relaxants such as Botox. These will prevent the muscles from contracting and nip wrinkle formation in the bud.

The filler treatment under the eyes

So what exactly happens in treatments of the region under the eyes? Nothing scary. It is a non-surgical treatment that is usually not perceived as painful. On top of that, the results of tear trough treatment are immediately visible.

  • The plastic surgeon will discuss with you what you want, what is feasible, what the risks are and what will happen. Once that is done, the tear trough filler treatment can really begin.
  • The plastic surgeon thoroughly disinfects the region where the filler will be applied. Then the filler is injected into the skin with a needle. After the injection, the plastic surgeon uses a gauze to apply pressure to the treated area.
  • A hyaluronic acid-based filler will be applied to the region under the eye. For filler treatment of the area near the eyes, there is a special filler made in such a way that it prevents clot formation.

Cost of filler treatment under eyes

How much do under eye fillers (=tracheal filler) cost? Usually, treatment of fillers under the eyes requires only one injection. If more would be needed, the plastic surgeon will always inform you beforehand.

The amount of filler needed depends mainly on the desired result. For a natural result, the amount of filler needed will be much lower than for a slightly more bombastic result.

Prices filler treatments
Lip filler€290/spuit
Lip hydration€290/spuit
Smoking lines€400/treatment
tear trough filler€400/treatment
Nose filler€400/treatment
Nasolabial fold - Nasolabial fold filler€280/syringe
Marionette Lines Filler€280/syringe
Cheekbone filler€280/syringe
Jawline filler€280/syringe
Chin filler€280/syringe
Liquid facelift€280/syringe
Hyalase (correction erroneous filler)€200/treatment

Become the best version of yourself

At Sarasin Clinic, we bring out the best version of yourself. Would you like to treat a particular part of your body, but are not sure which treatment is appropriate? Then book an initial consultation: we'll be happy to give you substantiated advice.

Become the best version of yourself

At Sarasin Clinic, we bring out the best version of yourself. Would you like to treat a particular part of your body, but are not sure which treatment is appropriate? Then book an initial consultation: we'll be happy to give you substantiated advice.

Possible complications

  • Are fillers under the eyes dangerous? This is a frequently asked and important question. So part of preparing for an under eye filler treatment is being aware of the potential complications.
  • Because hyaluronic acid-based fillers are temporary fillers, the side effects of such a treatment are also often temporary. This is because hyaluronic acid is an endogenous substance that is broken down by the body itself over time.
  • A side effect that is very common is bruising. Swelling also occurs in the treated area in many patients. After 48 hours, these side effects will all but disappear.
  • Because we have thinner skin around the eyes, the Tyndall effect sometimes occurs in that region. In this process, the treated skin takes on a blue undertone. However, the Tyndall effect is a side effect that does not occur very often.
  • This effect occurs mainly if you do not use the right filler under the eyes or if the fillers are applied in too large doses. We are aware of these side effects so we will always take care not to overdose.
  • Lumps under the skin can also occur after treatment. Here too, good technique and the right high-quality fillers reduce their occurrence. At Sarasin, we use a build-up technique to further reduce the likelihood of lumps.
  • Asymmetry is a side effect that can occur if both sides are treated unevenly or if the patient himself has an asymmetrical face. Although a little asymmetry after treatment is not uncommon it is better to contact the clinic if you still have asymmetrical results after two weeks.
  • In very rare cases, infection occurs. That is a risk of inserting needles into the skin. Even in the medical world, infections occur in very rare cases when a needle is inserted into the skin.
  • Another very rare side effect is necrosis, in which a blood vessel is blocked. If this does occur, we at Sarasin always stock Hyalase. This is a substance that dissolves fillers immediately.

Choosing a trusted doctor is choosing your own safety

  • It is especially important to be aware that these complications can occur. This is a reason for us to give you an extra reminder that the choice of doctor and clinic are very important before you have any treatment performed.
  • As you can read above, both the experience of the doctor and the products used by the plastic surgeon are very important to avoid side effects. Only quality doctors and quality products lead to great results.
  • So never go by price alone when choosing under eye fillers. Read reviews, ask what products the plastic surgeon uses and find out how much experience the doctor has. Only then can you be sure that you are in good hands and will get the best results
  • At Sarasin, the emphasis is on quality, experience, training and knowledge. Our doctors have several years of experience and continue to train to keep up with the best and latest techniques. This is how we ensure the safety and quality of our patients.

tear trough filler treatment step by step

tear trough filler treatment

Aftercare for tear trough filler step by step

tear trough filler aftercare

Info video fillers

Before and after photos filler under eyes

Sarasin Clinic vrouw traangootfiller
Sarasin Clinic tear trough filler woman BEFORE and AFTER
Sarasin Clinic - before and after tear trough filler
Sarasin Clinic - before and after tear trough filler
Sarasin Clinic - fillers before and after
SC-Academy tear trough filler
Sarasin Clinic tear trough filler
Sarasin Clinic plastic surgeon

Book an initial consultation here

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Filler under eyes frequently asked questions

Pain at tear troughFillers

What is the process of treatment with tear trough Fillers?

What is the aftercare after treatment with tear trough filler?

What can you expect after a tear trough filler treatment?

What are the risks associated with tear trough filler treatment?

What if I observe assymetry at some point before the 2-week point?

How long does a treatment with tear trough filler last?

How long will the effect of a tear trough filler remain visible?

How much tear trough filler do I need?