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Sarasin Clinic: the number one clinic for filler treatments

Fillers are hot. Consequently, the demand for fillers has skyrocketed in recent years. At private clinic Sarasin Clinic, you can go for filler treatment by an experienced esthetician.


From €350


30 minutes


8 - 12 months

At Sarasin Clinic, we love fillers. They are multifunctional and can serve to eliminate wrinkles, add volume and are even capable of optimizing the quality of your skin.

Over the years, our estheticians have immersed themselves in the world of fillers. They have years of experience and are continuously trained to keep up with the latest trends. This allows them to provide you with the best and most natural looking results.

Find out in this blog why we at Sarasin Clinic are such fans of fillers and how we turn that passion into beautiful results for our patients. For those not so at home in the world of fillers, a brief explanation of exactly what a filler is also follows.


The success of fillers

One of the beauty trends of recent years is to change your appearance without using plastic surgery. The emergence of injectable treatments has the beauty industry changed once and for all.

Those treatments with injectables can be divided into two major groups: treatments with fillers and treatments with muscle relaxers. Both are used for different purposes. What those purposes are, you can read in this blog about the difference between Botox and fillers.

Numerous benefits of fillers

The filler treatment owes its popularity mainly to the many benefits it offers. Unlike plastic surgery, treatment with fillers is much less invasive.

Temporary fillers

  • Thus, the results of treatment with fillers are temporary. So you're not making a choice about your appearance that you're stuck with for the rest of your life. Does it ultimately turn out not to be for you? Then the results will be gone from your body within a few months.
  • Do you want to get rid of the effect of your filler faster, or did you have a treatment performed somewhere that you didn't like the results? Then Hyalase may be a solution. This is a substance that we inject into you to dissolve the filler.
  • The timeliness of fillers also allows you to experiment with what you like and love about yourself. In addition, it also allows you to evolve with the beauty ideals of the moment.
  • An added benefit is that treatment with fillers does not require you to go under the knife. A few small injections are sufficient for a subtle improvement or a pronounced result. That means there is no downtime is.
  • The only thing you will experience is a little swelling in the treated area and some bruising. Within two days, however, such side effects will be gone and you can already fully enjoy the results of your treatment.

Is Sarasin Clinic the best filler clinic?

At Sarasin Clinic, we fully welcome the rise of filler treatment. We can make your face more aesthetically pleasing without surgery or long recovery time. That's why we push so hard for filler treatments.

In addition to our passion and extensive knowledge of fillers, we are also characterized by our concern for quality, innovation and our personal approach. With us, the safety of the patient is paramount, as well as the guarantee of quality results.


In our clinic, we are very committed to the quality of our products and staff. That way we can provide you with the best care and results. How exactly do we do that in our clinic? You can read that below.

Experienced aesthetic physicians

All the staff working at Sarasin Clinic have several years of experience. Even in the case of a filler treatment, the attending physician will have a lot of experience in placing fillers. This is how we try to ensure the quality of the results at our clinic.

More to the point, filler treatment is one of our areas of expertise at Sarasin Clinic. At our clinic, we work with a team of experienced aesthetic physicians who specialize in treatments with injectables. They can create a very natural result by placing the injections in a way that emphasizes your natural beauty.

Creating a natural result is not easy because it requires far-reaching aesthetic insight. Because our doctors have so many years of experience, they know the anatomy of the face perfectly and have a well-developed aesthetic understanding. This enables them to achieve very natural results.

Quality fillers

Besides experienced and knowledgeable staff, the material we use for our treatment is of course also important for a good result. Only with the best fillers will you get the most beautiful results.

Good fillers are fillers from a-brands. Although you pay a slightly higher price for those a-brands, they are invariably the best choice. Cheap fillers Are not always as safe and usually don't produce as good results.

This is why we only work with high-quality fillers in our clinic. Exactly which filler we use depends on the area you want to treat, the results you want to get and the anatomy of your face.


The techniques and applications of fillers are constantly changing. In order to keep up with all these adaptations, we are strongly committed to innovation in our clinic. This applies to our equipment and techniques as well as to our staff.

For example, our estheticians and other staff members attend continuing education courses to keep up with the latest trends and techniques. That way, they can refine their techniques and skills to produce even better results for you.

Personal approach

What is very important in our clinic is a personalized approach. Every person and every face is unique, which makes every treatment unique as well. We want to achieve the best result for each patient, which is only possible by applying a personal approach.

We do this by always listening to your personal wishes. In addition, our doctors have excellent aesthetic insight, which allows them to recognize the unique characteristics of your face.

Where and how the fillers are finally injected depends greatly on the anatomy of your face. As a result, the doctors at our clinic are able to properly assess exactly what your face needs to get the results you dream of.

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tear trough filler

Everything you need to know about fillers

On to an introtroughion to the world of fillers for those who don't know much about them yet. Do you already know what fillers are and how they work? Then scroll on to find out what all you can use them for!

Do fillers no longer know any secrets for you? Then what are you waiting for? Book an appointment in our clinic for a filler treatment! Are there still any doubts? Then take a look at our before and after pictures and be convinced.

Fillers, what are they?

  • Before you apply anything to your face, you like to know what's in it. And that only makes sense! Let us reassure you right away: contrary to what you may have heard, fillers are extremely safe.
  • At Sarasin Clinic, we work with a hyaluronic acid filler. This consists primarily of hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally occurring in the skin. This is why we also refer to the hyaluronic acid filler as a natural filler.
  • That substance is injected under your skin. How deep that is depends on what you are using the fillers for. Fillers have different applications. Below you can read exactly what you can use fillers for.

Three applications of treatment with fillers

In general, we distinguish three major applications of fillers: wrinkle control, contouring and skin improvement. Below you can read what to expect from a treatment with fillers for each application.

Fillers against wrinkles

  • Fillers are often used against facial wrinkles. Important here is to look at what type of wrinkle you are dealing with. In general, there are two types of wrinkles that we distinguish: expression wrinkles and static wrinkles.
Two types of wrinkles
  • Expression wrinkles are wrinkles caused by repeated movements. Think of frowning, raising the eyebrows or squeezing the eyes. This causes wrinkles to form: the frown line, horizontal lines on the forehead or crow's feet.
  • Static wrinkles are wrinkles that can be seen even when the face is at "rest. They range from superficial lines to deep facial grooves. It is the static, deep wrinkles that we address with fillers.

To combat expression lines and the formation of deeper wrinkles, we often use muscle relaxants such as botulinum toxin (Botox) . Muscle relaxants cause the signal transmission between muscles and nerves to be blocked, making you make certain movements less, thus preventing wrinkles from forming.

Using fillers against deep wrinkles
  • As we age, we produce less collagen and our skin loses firmness, causing signs of aging in the skin, such as wrinkles and sagging skin.
  • The deep wrinkles that appear in the skin can be easily addressed with fillers. Since fillers are able to add volume to the skin, they can fill the deep furrows. The result? A younger appearance.

Fillers for the creation of contours and volume

  • Filler treatments are also used to (re)create contours and volume. This can be desirable for two reasons: you find that you naturally lack volume or contour or you have lost a lot of volume over the years and therefore beautiful contours.
  • The former often involves younger patients who would like to make minor adjustments. Think of fuller lips, beautifully pronounced cheekbones or a well-defined jawline.
  • The second case often involves people who lose volume in the skin with age, causing wrinkles and drooping skin. Consider. sunken cheeks, dark circles under the eyes and drooping corners of the mouth.
  • Piece by piece, they often give you a gloomy, sad look, making you immediately look several years older. Of course, no one wants to look older than they actually are.
  • Fillers can help bring (lost) volume (back) to your face, improving contours. An injectable treatment with natural fillers can give your skin structural support or make it fuller through a few injections.

Fillers for skin improvement

  • Finally, you can also use the natural filler for skin improvement. You can do that with a prophilo treatment, where you're going to use pure hyaluronic acid to give the skin a beautiful glow.
  • Pure hyaluronic acid will not only hydrate the skin, but also encourage it to produce elastin and collagen. The result of such a treatment is skin that looks very healthy, plus a decrease in facial wrinkles.

Temporary fillers or permanent fillers?

  • As you could read above, hyaluronic acid-based fillers are not permanent fillers. Hyaluronic acid fillers are temporary fillers. The effects of such a temporary filler remain visible for about six months because the natural fillers are broken down by the body over time.
  • You also have permanent fillers whose effects are forever. In this type of filler, body's own fat is injected. This process is called lipofilling. Unlike hyaluronic acid, the body does not break down this body fat, so the results remain.
  • We recommend being very careful when it comes to permanent fillers. The results are really forever, so you need to be very sure of how you want the treated area to look for the rest of your life.
  • It is therefore better to try treatment with temporary fillers first to simulate the effect, before opting for permanent treatment.
Sarasin Clinic - lip filler

Lipofilling lips, photo immediately after surgery, swelling will still decrease 40%.

Filler treatment: the zones

You can use fillers for much more than just fuller lips. Treatment with fillers can be used for different areas of the face, and you also have a choice of different types of fillers. Depending on which area you want to treat and what results you want to see, a different type of filler will be used.

Below you will find an overview of the treatments you can receive at our clinic. We invariably use hyaluronic acid-based fillers and products of the best quality to ensure the best results for you.

Filler zones face

Fillers in the cheeks or jawline

A popular place to inject fillers are the cheeks or the area around the cheekbones. Especially for patients who suffer from sunken cheeks, fillers come in handy to create full cheeks again. Fillers can also be used in the cheeks for people who want slightly rounder cheeks.

Fillers in the jawline can also be used to tighten the jawline (again). This treatment is very popular with men and women. For example, men visit our clinic regularly to give their jawline a more masculine look through jawline fillers.

tear trough

  • The tear trough is a line that runs from the inner corner of the eye toward the jaw. In some people, this is really a problem area. Not surprisingly, because the skin just under the eyes is very thin and therefore extra sensitive.
  • Problems we often see in this area are dark circles or dark shadows under the eyes. We also refer to these dark circles as "puffiness. Especially when you are tired, you suffer from dark circles under the eyes, but in some people they are permanent.
  • Tear channel fillers are perfectly capable of getting rid of such ailments, so you no longer have to look tired every day. If you also suffer from crow's feet near the eyes, you can opt for other injectables, such as Botox (botulinum toxin). This is a muscle relaxant that blocks the muscles, reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Nose filler

  • With a nose filler we can liquid nose job perform. You can achieve wonderful results with it without effectively needing nose surgery. For example, it can help get rid of a bump on your nose or asymmetry of the nose.

Chin filler

  • The chin is very important to how your face looks overall. A small "flaw" on the chin can make or crack the overall look of the face, as the chin determines the proportion and balance of the face.
  • You can use a chin filler or chin filler to address a receding chin or to makethe chin rounder or more angular, depending on what your face needs. You can also use chin fillers to make the chin a little bigger.

Filler in the lips

  • Perhaps the most popular area to inject fillers: the lips. Everyone loves beautiful, full lips and since Kylie Jenner opted for lip fillers, the lip filler has only become trendier. As a result, many people's desire for fuller lips has only increased as well.
  • Not only are lip fillers interesting for full lips, they can also straighten drooping corners of the mouth beautifully. Many people are annoyed by drooping corners of the mouth because they give you a tired look. With a little filler, however, that problem is solved in no time!


  • Beautifully pronounced cheekbones are considered attractive in every culture . As a result, cheekbones are an interesting feature to invest in. They give your face character and definition.
  • Not everyone is blessed with well-defined cheekbones. On top of that, you lose bone mass as you age, so your cheekbones are less well-defined. Fortunately, you can visit our clinic to revitalize your cheekbones with cheekbone fillers.

Liquid facelift

  • At our clinic, you can also go for a liquid facelift. Here the injections of fillers are not done in a specific area, but all over the face. It is a bit like surgery facelift, but less invasive. It is the ideal way to combat aging.
  • The treatment does not take as long as a surgical facelift. In addition, the recovery time from an injectables treatment like a liquid facelift much shorter. At most, you will experience some mild swelling and bruising for up to two days after treatment.

Durability of fillers

  • As you read earlier, natural fillers such as those based on hyaluronic acid are broken down by the body over time. This, of course, is because hyaluronic acid is a substance naturally occurring in the body.
  • Pure hyaluronic acid would disappear from our body after 2 days. Therefore, we cross-link the hyaluronic acid with another substance to make it more durable. The results of the average natural filler last about 6 months.
  • Much also depends on your lifestyle and anatomy. Some people's results will fade faster than others. But don't worry, you can repeat a filler treatment as many times as you like!
  • Tired of continuous treatments with fillers and want permanent results? Then you can opt for permanent fillers with body fat. You must then know very well what you want and have experimented sufficiently with temporary fillers.

Ready for a filler treatment? Book an appointment at Sarasin Clinic

After reading this blog, do you feel quite ready for a filler treatment? Then book an appointment at our clinic for a treatment with injectables. At our clinic we can create a beautiful, natural result for you because we work with experienced doctors and high quality products.

Do you still have questions about the filler or filler treatment? Feel free to contact us so we can give you the information you need. Also with questions about other injectables and treatments with injectables you can always contact us.

Before and after care filler

Sarasin Clinic aftercare fillers infographic

Demonstration video fillers

Before & After photos filler

Sarasin Clinic cheekbone fillers
Sarasin Clinic - fillers lips before and after
Sarasin Clinic - fillers before and after
Sarasin Clinic - Lip fillers before and after
Sarasin Clinic - fillers before and after
Sarasin Clinic - tear trough fillers to the rescue
Sarasin Clinic how long do fillers last blog
Sarasin Clinic lip filler
Woman looks up after treatment at sarasin clinic
Sarasin Clinic jawline chin filler
Sarasin Clinic jawline chin filler
Sarasin Clinic jawline chin filler
Before and after jawline filler | Sarasin Clinic
Sarasin Clinic - before and after cheekbone filler
Sarasin Clinic - before and after tear trough filler
Sarasin Clinic - before and after jawline filler
Sarasin Clinic - before and after nasal filler
Sarasin Clinic - before and after lip filler
Sarasin Clinic - before and after lip filler
Sarasin Clinic Lip Filler
Sarasin Clinic - lip filler
Sarasin Clinic - lip filler
Sarasin Clinic Lipfiller man before and after
SC-Academy tear trough filler
Sarasin Clinic before and after lip filler result
Lip filler result woman right after treatment
Sarasin Clinic natural lip filler
Nose Chin filler before and after photo in young woman
Sarasin Clinic fillers jawline chin nose
Sarasin Clinic Nasal filler before and after photo

Filler clinic prices

Prices filler treatments
Lip filler€280/syringe
Lip hydration€280/syringe
Smoking lines€400/treatment
tear trough filler€400/treatment
Nose filler€400/treatment
Nasolabial fold - Nasolabial fold filler€280/syringe
Marionette Lines Filler€280/syringe
Cheekbone filler€280/syringe
Jawline filler€280/syringe
Chin filler€280/syringe
Liquid facelift€280/syringe
Hyalase (correction erroneous filler)€200/treatment

Become the best version of yourself

At Sarasin Clinic, we bring out the best version of yourself. Would you like to treat a particular part of your body, but are not sure which treatment is appropriate? Then book an initial consultation: we'll be happy to give you substantiated advice.

Become the best version of yourself

At Sarasin Clinic, we bring out the best version of yourself. Would you like to treat a particular part of your body, but are not sure which treatment is appropriate? Then book an initial consultation: we'll be happy to give you substantiated advice.

Sarasin Clinic plastic surgeon

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F.A.Q.. Fillers

How do you choose the right filler?

Who is allowed to perform filler treatment?

What happens during treatment with Fillers?

Post-injection care

The 3 Cs of post-treatment care.