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Not in the mood for a double chin? Discover the solution

A double chin is certainly not the end of the world, but for a lot of people it is ahuge uncertainty. At Sarasin Clinic we understand that such a double chin can have a big impact on how confident you feel about your appearance. With our lipolysis treatment, you can get rid of your double chin without surgery or daily exercises.

Find out in this article all about how to tackle your double chin without going under the knife or doing 20 different exercises every day. Curious about what lipolysis can do for you? Be sure to read on!


From €200


15 minutes



How does that excess fat get under your chin?

So whence does the double chin come? Well, there are different causes for a double chin. Depending from person to person, the double chin will be caused by something different. Below we list some of the causes of a double chin.

double chin lipolysis

Option 1: It's in your DNA

  • A first common cause of your double chin is a genetic predisposition for the ailment. Can't be helped, you think? No way, you can get rid of that double chin. How? With double chin treatment, of course!
Sarasin Clinic Chubby Chin package: lipolysis, hifu chin & jawline
Sarasin Clinic- Lipolysis
Sarasin Clinic Lipolysis Chubby Chin package before and after
Lipolysis before + first session + second session


Option 2: It is due to excess weight or extra pounds

  • Another cause for a double chin is fat accumulation due to excess weight or extra pounds''s. Of course, your body has to get rid of those somewhere. For some, the fat accumulates in the buttocks; for others, a layer of fat goes to the chin. Healthy eating and exercise can help make your double chin smaller, but for the most stubborn fat you may need a little extra help: lipolysis.

Option 3: It's your age

  • Your age can also be a factor: as you age, aging occurs in your skin. You make less collagen and your bones lose volume. That translates into a sagging skin. Consequently, when your skin is sagging, it starts to droop. This gives you a sort of second chin under your face, not pleasant. But don't worry, lipolysis will get rid of that ailment in no time! Make an appointment today at Sarasin Clinic.

Option 4: It's your attitude

  • Some people believe that wrong posture can also lead to skin sagging and a double chin. When you have the wrong posture, your neck muscles namely weaken, the result is that your skin loses elasticity and starts to droop, making your chin appear larger.

How can you get rid of your excess fat?

Excess fat or sagging skin at your double double chin is not something you have to learn to live with: there are lots of things you can do to get rid of your double chin.

Make-up and exercises

  • There are people who reduce their double chin by using certain makeup techniques. In this way, they create optical effects that make the double chin appear smaller. Of course, something like this is only possible for those who have a mild double chin.
  • There are also people who do exercises in order to get rid of their double chin. Such exercises must be done daily to see an effect. Some of the best exercises can be found here.
  • You can only do so much with makeup and exercise. Both require a lot of daily effort: you have to apply your makeup every day or you have to do five exercises every day. Are you looking for a more efficient solution? Then lipolysis is a good option !

Lipolysis: double chin removal without surgery

With lipolysis, you can remove your double chin without surgery! As a result, the treatment is non-invasive, but no less effective: it is scientifically proven that lipolysis effectively targets the fat cells in your double chin.

Sarasin Clinic woman lipolysis square

Are you interested in this scientifically proven method? Make an appointment at Sarasin Clinic and discuss your options with an esthetician.

Six major benefits of lipolysis

Opting for lipolysis comes with a lot of benefits, we provide for you a brief overview of the many advantages of this treatment.

1. Achieve fat solution

Localized fat deposits are reduced with lipolysis in a natural way addressed as the treatment uses four biometric peptides that have anti-lipogenic and lipolytic effects. As a result, you will reduce fat cells and create a tight chin.

2. Stimulate collagen for skin tightening

A lipolysis treatment not only promotes fat cell destruction, but also stimulates collagen production. Therefore, with this treatment you can also skin tightening obtained, making your skin in the treated area beautifully smooth becomes smooth.

3. Commit to skin improvement

Lipolysis treatment injections also contain hyaluronic acid, a substance that contributes to the hydration of the skin. This ensures that the overall health of your skin improves after treatment. So they also obtain local skin improvement with this treatment.

4. No surgery or anesthesia

The lipolysis treatment is done without surgery, and therefore without general anesthesia. Lipolysis is not a surgical procedure, which has many advantages, but it is also important to know that you can never get the same results with this treatment as with surgery.

5. Continue your activities as usual after treatment

A consequence of the fact that the treatment is non-invasive is that after treatment you hardly any recovery time needed. In fact, there is no surgery from which you have to recover. You can go about your daily life as usual after your treatment and hardly have to deal with any side effects.

6. No pain, no gain? Not with lipolysis!

Sometimes you hear 'he who wants to be beautiful must suffer', well in the case of lipolysis that is not true at all! If our patients are to be believed, the treatment is virtually painless. Most people feel at most a slight discomfort during the treatment.

7. Lasting results without daily effort

Unlike applying makeup every day or exercising every day to get rid of your double chin, you don't have to do anything at all after lipolysis treatment. You can simply enjoy the results for a lifetime! The results of lipolysis last lifelong, unless, of course, you have weight gain that causes new fat deposits to form.

Would you also like to enjoy the many benefits of this treatment? Then make an appointment today at Sarasin Clinic.

How does lipolysis work?

  • When you get treated with lipolysis, what exactly happens? We'll explain it briefly for you. During the treatment there are injections with Prostrolane Inner B are inserted into the skin.
  • Once the substance is in the skin, it starts to actively dissolve fat, making your double chin slowly disappear. Also, the substance will trigger collagen production, which causes the skin at the chin to tighten again and hang less.

How many sessions do you need to see results?

  • How many sessions you need depends from person to person and the amount of fat present in your chin. For a moderate double chin you will often need only one treatment needed, while for a more pronounced double chin often two treatments .
  • You will not see results immediately after the treatment: the substance needs time to do its work in the double chin. Usually you can first results after one month. see. The results of this treatment are permanent, allowing you to enjoy a tight chin for a lifetime!
Sarasin Clinic lipolysis step by step

At Sarasin Clinic, we are strongly committed to customer satisfaction. Moreover, with us you can get a very high quality expect: our medical team consists exclusively experts with already multiple years of experience and we pursue the highest standards of hygiene and safety after.

Sarasin Clinic interior

Want to get rid of your double chin once and for all? Make an appointment at Sarasin Clinic and discuss your options with an esthetician.

Want to know more about how much this treatment costs? Then be sure to read our article 'lipolysis costs' or check out our prices.

Aftercare lipolysis

  • After treatment, you can immediately resume your day-to-day routine, but there are some things you should still avoid:
  • For 24 hours after treatment, avoid saunas, spas, infrared treatments and excessive alcohol consumption.
  • We also recommend not exercising for 24 hours after treatment.

Videos about lipolysis

Price lipolysis Sarasin Clinic

Price lipolysis
Lipolysis treatment€200/session
  • 1 syringe is sufficient for 1 time, after 1 month of monitoring. Sometimes 1 more syringe is needed 1 month later.
  • On average, you need 2 sessions for a severe double chin, with an 8-week interval to achieve the desired results.
  • moderate double chin = 1 session
  • severe double chin = 2 sessions on average
Sarasin Clinic plastic surgeon

Book an initial consultation here

Book a free, no-obligation consultation now and get advice tailored to your skin and needs.

FAQ: Frequently asked questions about Lipolysis

What are the side effects of lipolysis?

From when is the result visible with lipolysis?

How long do the results remain visible with lipolysis?

Who is lipolysis not suitable for?

What can you expect after the treatment?