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What you need to know about lip fillers

Lips are extremely important when it comes to an aesthetically pleasing face

Lip augmentation or lip fillers is the most booked aesthetic treatment today. We can improve thin lips, cosmetic asymmetry and prominent marionette lines. Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid dermal fillers is a non-invasive procedure. On average, a treatment takes 15 minutes. The results are immediate. With minimal side effects or allergic reactions and ultimately efficient results.

Patient selection

Sarasin Clinic always starts with a consultation. In this, we discuss the benefits, limitations and possible unfavorable results. Ultimately, the ideal candidate for lip filling is someone with a thin lip structure. Or, for example, patients whose volume decreases with age.

And patient should not have blood clotting disorders, uncontrolled diabetes or HA sensitivity. In addition, it is also important not to take blood-thinning medication (ibuprofen or aspirin) until two weeks before the procedure.


At Sarasin Clinic, we believe it is crucial to understand your needs. Some patients may be looking for subtle corrections. While others are looking for fullness. In our experience, hanging corners of the mouth (deflating vermilion), are one of the patient's biggest concerns. We discuss any previous procedures. Then we take photographs. Finally, we also go over the risks and possible side effects. We use our consent form for this. It is important to go over this together and sign it.

Before lip augmentation with lip fillers, we apply a numbing cream.

Sarasin Clinic Nurse Karen

Get the look you've always dreamed of!

Almost everyone wants to look younger, but no one wants to look like they went to a cosmetic clinic for filler injections. Our doctors combine their aesthetic sense, advanced training and experience with filler treatments to create a refreshed and rested appearance that our patients love.


For optimal lip augmentation results, the proper balance between the upper and lower lips is important. In terms of ratio, the "golden ratio" for female lips is 1.0 to 1.6.Sarasin Clinic - Golden ratio lip augmentation

The technique for injecting fillers into the lips involves serial punctures and linear threading. Preferably retrograde. We apply these separately or in combination. Depending on your needs. For example, for particularly thin lips we recommend lip augmentation with deeper placed fillers. Followed by superficial corrections, to add definition. But for enhancement purposes, for example, a superficially placed filler with emphasis on the vermillion border is better.

Our surgeons use a cannula instead of a needle. Because they minimize trauma. And reduce risk of penetration through blood vessels.

During lip augmentation, we do not inject fillers from the edge of the lips. Unless, for example, an elongated appearance of the lips is required. Or in the case where we provide structural support to the lips. Ultimately, we ensure that the lips enlarge evenly.


After lip filler treatment for your lip augmentation, swelling or bruising may occur. Ice packs minimize discomfort. Ultimately, we recommend avoiding additional treatments, lip peeling and extreme temperatures within 24 hours of treatment.

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