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Sarasin Clinic hydra roller boost hair growth
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Hydra Roller against hair loss

Have you ever heard of a Hydra Roller or Dermaroller? This is a popular tool in the beauty industry that can reduce various skin problems such as acne and stretch marks. But a Hydra Roller can do much more! What many do not know is that this can also be used on the scalp to stimulate thinning hair. The Hydra Roller is like a household tool for hair growth.

At Sarasin Clinic, you can buy a Hydra Roller for €15 and our Hair Serum for €100.

How does a Hydra Roller work?

The Hydra Roller or Dermaroller is a tool that looks like a roller with tiny needles. It is used to roll over the skin, this stimulates hair growth. The Hydra Roller contains tiny needles (0.5 to 1 mm) that, when rolled over the skin, create tiny micro channels.

Aww, troughs? Yes, but no need to be afraid because it sounds worse than it is. Because the channels are so small, it results in small openings on the skin surface. This increases blood flow to the punctured area resulting in an increase in growth factors and inflammation. These growth factors and inflammatory responses then flow to the pricked area and stimulate the skin to heal itself. The Hydra Roller is used for both the skin and scalp to stimulate hair growth.

Although this may sound new to some people, derma rolling is not a new treatment. It has been around for years and is used in many different procedures such as laser therapy for skin resurfacing.

Hydra Roller vs Hair Growth

Microneedles or dermarollers are tools with very small needles that are rolled over the skin and scalp, creating micro channels in the skin that allow your serum to be absorbed better....

In the skin you often find disorganized collagen, microneedling devices ensure that these are destroyed. But, quid pro quo, they also in fact ensure that there is new production of more organized collagen.

Microneedling, dermaroller or Hydra Roller stimulate the production of growth factors such as platelet derived growth factor. These are involved in regulating the hair growth cycle and improves the absorption of topicals by creating micro channels in the epidermal layer of the scalp. This allows topicals ( such as serums) to penetrate the dermal and subcutaneous layers more easily. This should ensure that these topicals have a greater effect.

The effect of the Hydra Roller for hair growth

  • The derma or Hydra Roller triggers the body's natural response to start the wound healing process. Stem cells are activated in the hair follicles of the scalp and then they induce the hair growth process.
  • Thanks to the Hydra Roller, the blood supply to the scalp will be increased. The scalp takes care of distributing nutrients that your hair follicles need for substantial hair growth.
  • For better absorption of topical hair loss medications, the derma or Hydra Roller is a perfect tool. The Hydra Roller will press the medication into the scalp, allowing it to penetrate deeper into the skin. This will result in a better effect of the drug which will result in a fuller head of hair.

Patience is a beautiful thing

It is important to have patience and dedication with the Hydra Roller. After all, for a nice hair growth effect, it is necessary to use the Hydra Roller an average of twice a week.

Can't wait behind that fuller head of hair? For faster results, hair fillers are a more beneficial solution. In which you will be able to observe amazing results after only 1 month!

Here are some results of our hair fillers:

Sarasin Clinic hair filler after 3 sessions 3spray each time
Sarasin Clinic hair filler After 3 sessions
Sarasin Clinic hairfiller man after 4 sessions

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