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What is the best tear trough filler?

We can be very brief in answering this question: the best tear trough filler is the one that has been applied by an appropriate and capable plastic surgeon. The proper placement of a filler is at least - if not more - important than the filler product used.


From €400


30 minutes


8 to 12 months

Best placement of a tear trough filler

Tear trough fillers are inserted into the skin by plastic or esthetic surgeons using small, fine needles. It is of course particularly important that all injection material has been sterilized and that the practice where the treatment takes place is also clean and tidy.

The doctor treating you will always take ample time to discuss the treatment with you beforehand, and to find out what complaints you are experiencing or exactly what result you are seeking. Thus, he will start the treatment in consultation with you, and also inform you during the procedure about what exactly is happening.

What tear trough fillers do we use at Sarasin Clinic?

Here at Sarasin Clinic, we use only A-brand products of high medical quality. Thus, you will often see or read that our products are of "surgical quality. This means that they are not freely available commercially, and medically trained staff are required to perform treatment with these products.

We have tested the products we use today for various properties:

✓ Does the product provide the desired filling?
✓ Does the filling remain sufficiently in the intended area
✓ Will the result of the treatment remain visible for a sufficiently long time (we count on 6 months)
✓ The product should attract as little moisture as possible!

The tear trough fillers we use at Sarasin Clinic are fillers that were developed specifically for the tear trough area. This is because tear trough fillers are more liquid than other fillers, so you cannot or should not use them for other areas. Because they are more liquid there is less chance of clot formation, which we (and presumably you) find extremely important for a facial procedure.

Price of tear trough filler treatment

As indicated above, a tear trough filler treatment maintains its effect for about six months. The cost of one treatment can be found below:

Price per 1 ml syringe. Usually one treatment is enough to get a good result. Suppose you need more, then this will be discussed in advance.

So you always know in advance what the cost of the treatment will be.
We never open a second syringe without the patient's consent.

Each tear trough filler treatment contains 1 syringe of exactly 1 ml of filler. However, it is not the case that the doctor will inject the entire contents of the syringe in every person. In some cases, only a small addition is sufficient, or a different amount must be injected on both sides of the face.

We are often asked if the remaining contents of a syringe cannot be saved for a subsequent treatment. However, this is something that can or should never be done simply for hygienic reasons. At Sarasin Clinic, we use a new syringe for every treatment. Any remaining filler is destroyed.

tear trough filler treatment

The best tear trough filler treatment

Anyone who has a procedure or treatment performed on their face wants to make sure that it goes as well as possible. Of course, we are a bit biased, but we still like to recommend our Sarasin Clinic.

Our doctors often operate in multiple practices and hospitals and usually have more than 10 years of experience. You can rest assured that they are specialists in their field, and authorities in injectables. Indeed, over the years we have focused on making injectables procedures in Belgium as professional as possible .

We hope to put you at ease, but of course you can still contact one of our doctors or nurses from our medical secretariat with any additional questions.

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Before and aftercare tear trough filler

tear trough filler aftercare

Videos about tear trough filler

tear trough filler photos before and after

Sarasin Clinic vrouw traangootfiller
Sarasin Clinic tear trough filler woman BEFORE and AFTER
Sarasin Clinic - before and after tear trough filler
Sarasin Clinic - before and after tear trough filler
Sarasin Clinic - fillers before and after
SC-Academy tear trough filler
Sarasin Clinic tear trough filler

Prices tear trough filler

Prices filler treatments
Lip filler€290/spuit
Lip hydration€290/spuit
Smoking lines€400/treatment
tear trough filler€400/treatment
Nose filler€400/treatment
Nasolabial fold - Nasolabial fold filler€280/syringe
Marionette Lines Filler€280/syringe
Cheekbone filler€280/syringe
Jawline filler€280/syringe
Chin filler€280/syringe
Liquid facelift€280/syringe
Hyalase (correction erroneous filler)€200/treatment
Sarasin Clinic plastic surgeon

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tear trough filler frequently asked questions

How do you choose the right filler?

Who is allowed to perform filler treatment?

What happens during treatment with Fillers?

Post-injection care

The 3 Cs of post-treatment care.