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Lift the muscles of your face and provide a fresh, tighter appearance

We all go to the gym or do pilates like our lives depend on it, BUT what about our facial muscles? These too need their share of training to stay lifted and tight. Faceyoga we already know, but if you don't feel like going crazy every day, discover our MFFace treatment.


€ 250 / session


20 min.


After 2 - 3 months

In the relentless pursuit of beauty and youthfulness, aesthetic innovations have continually redefined possibilities and made the once abstract concept of "aging gracefully" ever more concrete. At the heart of these breakthroughs, Sarasin Clinic is proud to introduce its advanced MFFace treatment, a paragon of the fusion of art, science and technology.

What is MFFace?

MFFace combines heat energy and electrostimulation to redefine facial contours and restore the youthful glow that may have faded with time.

Our MFFace machine draws its power from these two technologies and uniquely targets both the skin and underlying muscles, creating a detailed aesthetic story that addresses every aspect of facial rejuvenation

This advanced yet non-invasive treatment is the ultimate answer to the complex challenges of facial aging.

From fighting wrinkles, fine lines and sagging skin to improving muscle tone and elasticity of the fascia, the MFFace treatment is an all-encompassing solution for those seeking visible and lasting facial improvement.

MFFace voordelen

Sarasin Clinic MFFACE benefits

The challenges of facial aging

A radiant, youthful face is the hallmark of health, vitality and beauty. However, time brings a series of changes that challenge this youthful exuberance. When we delve into the complexities of facial aging, we see a multilayered process determined by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. To understand it thoroughly, one must view it through a three-dimensional lens that includes the changes in skin, fat and muscle and bone structure.

MFFace zones

Sarasin Clinic MFFACE zones

What causes visible signs of aging and how does the aging process occur in our face?

1. Skin

(a) Decreasing elasticity (1)

(b) Emergence of wrinkles and fine lines

c) Discoloration: uneven complexion and age spots


(a) Noticeable loss of volume: making the face look hollow or sunken.

(b) Slackened jawline

3. Muscles and bones

(a) Muscle atrophy eroding the definition of youthful facial contours (2).

(b) Bone resorption which contributes significantly to changes in facial structure (3).

sarasin clinic bone structure volume loss

MFFace: a synergy of skin firming and a lift for the face without surgery or needles

  • Introducing a groundbreaking approach to facial rejuvenation, MFFace technology is designed to target facial areas and muscles with precision, paving the way for non-invasive facelifting. 
  • Combined with heat energy, MFFace technology offers a unique synergy that addresses both skin texture and muscle tension. 
  • This revolutionary technique is designed for patients who want a rejuvenated appearance without undergoing invasive procedures.
Sarasin Clinic Hifes jaw
Sarasin Clinic Hifes eyebrows

Proven results of the MFFace technology

MFFace treatments deliver the following results:

  • wrinkle reduction
  • increase in collagen 
  • increase in elastin
  • lifting effect
  • increase in muscle tone

Videos about MFFace

How does MFFace work?

Distinguishing features of the MFFace Technology

MFFace technology is gaining momentum as a transformative approach to non-invasive facial rejuvenation. The technology makes it possible to precisely target specific muscles and effectively elevator the face.

1. Precise targeting with shallow depth of penetration.

The fundamental difference that distinguishes MFFace is its shallow penetration depth. MFFace primarily uses a shallow depth of penetration to treat the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS). The specific depth allows for a more precise and targeted stimulation of aging skin tissue.

2. Effective stimulation and lifting of the SMAS layer.

By targeting the SMAS -layer of muscles deep beneath the skin - MFFace technology is tailored to address key areas that affect facial contours. The SMAS is the layer where most facial muscles are located and is the layer that is modified during surgical facelifts. By inducing supramaximal contractions in this layer, MFFace technology creates visibly lifted and tighter facial tissue.

3. Stimulation of motor neurons.

Central to MMFace technology is the stimulation of motor neurons, the "messengers" that instruct muscles to contract. This unique feature enables targeted, effective activation of the underlying muscle tissue. Through specific stimulation of these neurons, MFFace can directly promote muscle contraction, improving facial firmness and creating a lifting effect.

4. Recovery of facial tissue support

MFFace technology goes a step further by not only inducing muscle contractions, but also restoring facial tissue support. Through selective muscle contractions and improvements in muscle density, the technology creates a collective lifting effect. These changes promote the support needed to counteract the effects of gravity on facial tissue.

5. Facial contours and jawline definition.

What further sets MFFace apart is its impact on facial contouring and definition. The technology's strategic muscle attachment and subsequent contractions lead to improved facial contouring and a more defined jawline. This makes MFFace an effective and non-invasive solution for those who want a more lifted and tighter face without surgery or cutting.

Before & After MFFace

Sarasin Clinic hifess
Sarasin Clinic hifess
Sarasin Clinic hifess
Sarasin Clinic MFFace treatment
Hifes muscle tissue before and after

Muscle tissue in which you can see that 2 months after treatment there is an increase in muscle thickness, because of this the muscles have a lifting effect on the face.

The power of heat energy

With unique heat energy, various signs of aging can be effectively addressed and skin rejuvenation and repair is possible.

1. Depth penetration

The most distinctive property of heat energy is its ability to penetrate deep into the skin layer without damaging the skin's surface. This property allows for a precise approach, effectively addressing signs of skin aging at the root.

2. Collagen remodeling

One of the main reasons for the rise of heat energy in skin rejuvenation has to do with the role of collagen building. When our skin is exposed to the heat produced by heat energy, it triggers a healing response from our body, leading to the production of new collagen. This process helps to fill in fine lines and wrinkles from within, naturally smoothing the skin. It also gives you a more beautiful glow or radiant complexion on your face.

3. Tissue reinforcement

Heat energy is very useful in addressing skin sagging. The layer-specific application of heat energy heats the collagen-rich dermal tissue. This heating process causes immediate contraction and tightening of the skin, giving it a firmer and more youthful appearance.

4. Cell regeneration

The heat energy also stimulates the production of fibroblasts - the cells responsible for the production of collagen and elastin - promoting cell renewal. Over time, this process improves skin elasticity and firmness, subtly reversing the effects of aging.

5. Skin Improvement

Heat energy also plays an important role in skin resurfacing. By gently inflicting controlled damage to old, problematic skin tissue, heat energy enables new, healthy skin formation. This leads to significant improvement in skin tone and texture.

Embrace the MFFace solution

  • The MFFace treatment offers a unique solution to the complex challenges of facial aging. Using a blend of synchronized heat energy and electrostimulation, MFFace targets both skin and muscle layers to deliver transformative results.

Heat Energy

  • MFFace's heat energy ensures consistent heating across all application layers, delivering optimal results. 
  • By heating the skin to a therapeutic temperature of 40-42°C, MFFace stimulates the activity of fibroblasts, initiating the breakdown and denaturation of old collagen and elastin fibers.

On average, patients experience an increase in collagen and a reduction in wrinkles after treatment.

What is the working principle of MFFace?


  • MFFace stimulates facial muscles, inducing depolarization of motor neuron membranes and muscle contraction.
  • MFFace treatments promote muscle protein synthesis and myofibril renewal, improving resting muscle tone and girls, this is what we need for that sharp V-face shaped face !

Fascia remodeling for facial support

  • Fascia - the crucial connective tissue in the face - supports the structural framework of the face. MFFace treatments combine heating and mechanical stress to stimulate the building of collagen and elastin in the fascia .
  • This makes the fascia tighter and more elastic, creating a lifted effect and better contouring of the face. Double WIN!

Benefits of the MFFace technology

The synchronized combination of heat energy and electrostimulation represents a breakthrough development in non-invasive facial treatments. This dual-power approach ensures better and more efficient results by targeting both skin and muscle tissue. Below we describe the key benefits of this innovative 2-in-1 technology:

1. Improved density and tone of facial muscles.

The MFFace component of the treatment focuses on activating the facial muscles and increasing their density by inducing supramaximal contractions. This results in improved muscle tone, leading to a firmer, lifted appearance.

2. Extensive rejuvenation of fascial tissue support.

The combined power of heat energy and MFFace stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, strengthening the supporting structure of fascial tissues. This renewed elasticity and firmness helps combat the inevitable sagging caused by the aging process.

3. Revitalized skin texture and reduced skin sagging

The heat energy used in this dual treatment works wonders in improving skin texture. By promoting collagen building and heating the dermal layer, this advanced technology effectively addresses fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin, revealing a smoother and revitalized complexion.

4. Synthesis and renewal of myofibrils.

As an added benefit, MFFace stimulates the synthesis and renewal of myofibrils. This translates into a renewal of muscle fibers, which improves muscle functionality and overall facial structure.

5. Long-term structural changes and improved muscle tone at rest

Perhaps one of the most compelling benefits of the MFFace treatment is the lasting structural change it brings about. The improvement in resting muscle tone provides a foundation for the long-term maintenance of a youthful face.

Embrace a youthful look & tighter face without cutting with the MFFace treatment at Sarasin Clinic

Having completed our exploration of the power of heat energy and electrostimulation, it is clear that we are on the cusp of a revolution. 

MFFace, offered at Sarasin Clinic, acts as a synchronized powerhouse, combating the manifestations of aging and paving the way for a future where youth and vitality are within everyone's reach.

With MFFace treatment at Sarasin Clinic, the norms of invasive surgeries and long recovery periods are being challenged, giving way to the era of advanced, non-invasive treatments. Palpable results, minimal discomfort and almost no recovery period are the new standards in skin rejuvenation procedures, all thanks to cutting-edge technologies like MFFace.

At Sarasin Clinic the extraordinary benefits of heat energy + electrostimulation are just an appointment away. Whether improving facial muscle density, refining skin texture and suppleness, or rejuvenating facial tissue, our expert practitioners apply this 2-in-1 therapy holistically.

As we advance in aesthetic medicine, MFFace will surely be the torchbearer leading us to unprecedented advances. 

The future of facial rejuvenation is not only promising at Sarasin Clinic - it's already here, and it's gorgeous!

When will I see results?

  • Most users will feel after the first treatment that the face is lifted
  • The condition of the skin and facial muscles will gradually improve
  • The best effect is usually 4 to 12 weeks after the 4th-6th treatment (about 1-3 months)

Nazorg MFFace

Na een MFFace behandeling is er geen speciale nazorg vereist.

Prices for an MFFace treatment

Price MFFace treatment
MFFace 1 session€ 250
MFFace Package Deal (40% off) 4 sessions, interval 1 x per week (20min)€ 600
Sarasin Clinic plastic surgeon

Book an initial consultation here

Book a free, no-obligation consultation now and get advice tailored to your skin and needs.

MFFace FAQ: frequently asked questions

Why is it so important to stimulate facial muscles?

How long does a treatment last? How often do you do a course of treatment?

How long should there be between each treatment?

How does the treatment feel?

Can the size of the face be adjusted?

Is it normal for the treatment to feel different on both sides? Can this affect the effect?

Can I do the treatment when I have fillers in my cheeks?

What is the interval between this and other injections/photoelectricity/surgery?