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FAQ: the most frequently asked
questions about botox

Let's list the most frequently asked questions about botox!

1. What does Botox cost?

Botox is a brand name for a general product category called muscle relaxants.

The price of a Botox treatment depends on the number of areas being treated.

The price for 1 zone is 150 euros, 2 zones is 250 euros, 3 zones is 350 euros. (Such zones is only when treating the upper part of the face, namely: forehead, frown, crow's feet).

Sarasin Clinic prices botox

2. What is one botox area?

Botox is usually used to treat wrinkles in the (fore)head:

Each zone separately costs €150 but if you do them all at once you pay €350

3. What is Botox anyway?

Botulinum toxin is a natural protein produced by the bacterium clostridium botulinum. This protein has the property of temporarily reducing muscle movement.

4. Is a Botox treatment safe?

Botox is an extremely safe drug that has been used in medicine for more than 30 years. The botulinum toxin works only on the treated muscles and has no effect on the rest of the body.

5. Are there any side effects of Botox?

In the first week it may be a little sensitive. A stiff feeling where pricked and sometimes a heavy feeling on the eyebrows. All these (normal) side effects are gone by about 10 days.

In less than 1% of cases, there may be some loss of strength in the muscles that lift the eyebrows. As a result, the eyebrow may be slightly lower than desired for a few weeks.

This occurs only if forehead wrinkles are treated (so there is no risk of this when treating crow's feet and frown lines ).

Hence the importance of having your injectables treatments performed by experienced doctors.

When complications occur after a botox treatment, it is always transient because the powerful effect of the botox loses its effect after 3 months.

6. How long does the treatment last?

The treatment itself takes about 5 to 10 minutes. A conversation with the cosmetic doctor always precedes it, which takes about 30 minutes. It is important that you first discuss everything thoroughly with the doctor so that we can apply the correct dose and treatment.

Sarasin Clinic Nurse Karen

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7. Is the treatment painful?

Most people do not experience Botox treatment as painful and describe it as a pinprick. Botox is injected into the skin with a very small thin needle. After treatment, the skin may be slightly sensitive superficially. For the first 15 minutes after treatment, you may feel like you have some small mosquito bites on your face. This is due to the injection of the botox and will be barely visible after half an hour.

8. How do I choose a clinic for my Botox treatment?

We recommend that you choose a clinic with a good reputation. In addition, it is important to know how much experience the cosmetic doctor has, what brand of botulinum toxin (Botox) is used and where to go with your questions. At Sarasin Clinic, we only work with the most experienced doctors. Both in surgical procedures and cosmetic treatments such as injectables.

We work with the brands Botox & Azzalure.

9. When is the effect of a Botox treatment visible?

Botox begins to work a few days after treatment. After 2 weeks, the effect is maximal. The wrinkles are then already much less deep, the skin becomes increasingly smooth in the following weeks.

10. How long will the effect last?

3 months on average. It is often the case that after several treatments the effect lasts longer. To maintain the desired result it is necessary to repeat the treatment again. Once you stop the treatment, after 3 to 4 months you will return to the situation as you had your last treatment.

Botox counteracts wrinkle formation and works preventively against deep wrinkles that you will never get out of the skin over time. Many women are therefore having more and more preventive botox treatment.

11. What are recommendations after Botox treatment?

  • Avoid massaging or rubbing the treated areas for 24 hours after your treatment.
  • For 4 hours after treatment, do not bend extremely forward or do any strenuous work.
  • For 24 hours after the treatment, do not sunbathe, go under the tanning bed or in the sauna. Small swellings will disappear in the hours after treatment. You may carefully camouflage any small blue spots.

Do you have more questions about Botox? You are welcome to ask them during a no-obligation intake interview with our cosmetic doctor.

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