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Injectables: BTX (Botox)
vs Fillers

The main difference between BTX and fillers is that BTX causes your muscles to relax making wrinkles less visible. Fillers, on the other hand, fill in wrinkles/lines and/or certain areas.


BTX and Fillers are both primarily injectables. Injectables is a collective term for treatments in which a substance is injected that changes or improves the appearance and/or shape of the face. Muscle relaxants are best known by the brand name BTX or Azzalure.

Do you have small wrinkles whose cause is muscle?

Then BTX is the best solution for you. The muscles in the areas to be treated are temporarily disabled, reducing or eliminating the wrinkles they caused over a period of time.

After the BTX wears off, don't you go back for another treatment?

Then the muscles that had been treated become like before.

Do you have deeper wrinkles caused by the decline of collagen or desire more volume in certain areas?

Then fillers are the best choice for you.

Hyaluronic acid-based filler injections are injected under the skin in the areas to be treated.

Botox (BTX)

BTX is a brand name for Botulinum toxin. Botulinum toxin is a protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. At Sarasin Clinic, we use the brand Azzalure by Galderma or BTX by Allergan.

Using a thin needle, BTX is injected into the muscles causing the wrinkles or lines. The substance Botulinum toxin (Botox) reduces muscle contraction and causes the skin to relax.

Facial wrinkles are caused in part by the contraction of the facial muscles. Every time you smile, look surprised or frown, fine lines form. At some point, wrinkles remain visible; even when you are not smiling or frowning. This is a result of your skin's natural aging process. Finally, other factors also affect wrinkle formation such as exposure to sunlight, smoking and health problems.

BTX is used when it comes to frown lines, crow's feet and forehead wrinkles, among other things, but BTX is also a frequently used solution for excessive sweating, migraines, Bruxism (teeth grinding), Gummy Smile (visible gums) and a nerve twitch at the eye.

How long will you enjoy your treatment with BTX?

The treatment itself takes about 10 to 15 minutes. You will see the maximum effect approximately after 10 days. The result remains for an average of 3 months.

How much does BTX cost?

Sarasin Clinic prices botox
Sarasin Clinic Nurse Karen

Get the look you've always dreamed of!

Almost everyone wants to look younger, but no one wants to look like they went to a cosmetic clinic for filler injections. Our doctors combine their aesthetic sense, advanced training and experience with filler treatments to create a refreshed and rested appearance that our patients love.


Fillers are used to restore volume loss. Examples include sunken cheeks, wrinkles at the corners of the mouth and sunken eyes (puffiness). Fillers are also ideal for filling the lips or correcting the nose. Small wrinkles and lines can also be filled with fillers.

Fillers last for several years (depending on where it was used) and are broken down by the body itself.

With aging, the skeleton in the face shrinks and the collagen and elastin in the face decreases. If a person has had a lot of sun exposure or smoked a lot, the quality of the skin deteriorates. The sagging skin combined with less support tissue and shrinking of the skeleton cause the face to age/slacken. Filler is the solution to rebuild volume in the face.

We at Sarasin Clinic use the fillers from Restylane, Kysse, Aliaxin.

This treatment is performed by a specialized doctor Dr. Doornaert or Dr. Dimovski. Using small needles and/or a cannula, so the risk of side effects (bruising, redness) is minimal.

The temporary injectables we use are based on hyaluronic acid that occurs naturally in the skin. This makes the chance of an allergic reaction or foreign body reaction extremely small. In addition, we can actively dissolve the temporary injectables with hyaluronidase if necessary, providing additional safety.

The areas that can be treated with a filler are:

The temples, frown (for deeper lines), tear trough (puffiness), nose, cheeks, chin, nose-lip fold, cheekbones, lips, lines above the lips ("smoker's lines") and jaw line.

How long will you enjoy your filler treatment?

Average 6 month to a year, depending on the zone.

How much do fillers cost?

Sarasin Clinic prices fillers

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