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What is BTX?

BTX = Botox = muscle relaxant. Botox is a brand name and is distributed by Allergan. Another muscle relaxant is Azzalure which is distributed by Galderma. In Belgium , only doctors are licensed to inject both fillers and muscle relaxants.

Because muscle relaxants are legally medication, there are stricter rules surrounding the distribution and use of botox or Azzalure. For example, this product may only be administered by a licensed physician who has been trained to do so.

Because much research has been done on it in the short and long term, we know that botox is a safe product that does not harm health or cause side effects.

So to give a clear answer to the question what is botox: botox is a toxin "Botulinum toxin", a natural protein that will relax the muscles.

Did you know that Botox / Dysport was initially used as a treatment for muscle spasms?

Botox / Dysport was first used to relieve people with muscle spasms . E.g. bedridden people or people who had suffered trauma which caused their muscles to be in a constant cramped state, resulting in a lot of pain. For these people, Botox / Dysport brought tremendous relief in pain as the cramped muscles could now relax back.

Only much later botox was used in the aesthetic world ... Praise the lord !

It is used in the cosmetic industry to counteract wrinkles. Besides cosmetic applications, Botox also has medical applications and is used, for example, against teeth grinding, migraines and excessive sweating. However, for excessive sweating, there are better solutions than botox: such as the Miradry.

Effect of Botulinum toxin

Botulinum toxin is a natural protein produced by certain bacteria is produced. This protein paralyzes the nerves that control the muscles, causing the muscles to sag and smoothing out wrinkles. After some time, the muscle recovers, so the effect of Botulinum toxin is temporary. Botulinum toxin is a toxic substance, but by diluting it several times, it can be used safely.

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Almost everyone wants to look younger, but no one wants to look like they went to a cosmetic clinic for filler injections. Our doctors combine their aesthetic sense, advanced training and experience with filler treatments to create a refreshed and rested appearance that our patients love.

How do wrinkles actually form?

When we move our muscles in the face, the skin is pushed together, for example, the skin between the eyebrows folds when we tighten the frown muscles.

As we age, a line forms at the place where the skin is constantly being pushed together and this, if you do nothing about it, becomes a crease over the years.

If you want to slow or stop this process, it is best to start BTX treatment fairly early.

Keep in mind: the later you start BTX, the harder it is to get rid of the permanent wrinkles.

By permanent wrinkles we mean: when you make no facial expressions and yet there are lines in your skin = wrinkles when you relax.

How does botox work against wrinkles?

Botox relaxes the muscles, tightens the skin and stops the skin from folding. Not being able to move anymore prevents new skin damage from occurring. The skin damage that is already there will disappear on its own with time through its own skin renewal.

BTX treatments and prices

Would you like to know what botox treatments are available and what they cost?

By law we are not allowed to use the name botox because it is a brand name, but because muscle relaxants are known by the name botox we use the abbreviation BTX. At Sarasin Clinic we use both Botox (manufacturer Allergan) and Azzalure (manufacturer Galderma).

Sarasin Clinic prices botox

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