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Eyelid surgery

Eyes are the eye-catchers of the face. Aging in the area of the face is often very noticeable in the area of the eyelids. An upper, lower or complete eyelid correction can provide a permanent solution.


From € 1250


1/2 day



At Sarasin Clinic in Ghent, you've come to the right place. Here you can find all information about the different types of eyelid surgery, prices & before and after pictures of the procedure. In an initial consultation, we can see how we can best help you too.

Different types of eyelid surgery

1. Lower eyelid surgery

Lower eyelid surgery involves updating the lower eyelids. This is an ideal treatment for those who suffer from a tired-looking face.

Sarasin Clinic eyelid surgery areas under
2. Upper eyelid surgery

Upper eyelid surgery involves updating the upper eyelids. This procedure is suitable for individuals with drooping eyelids.

Sarasin Clinic eyelid surgery areas above
3. Full eyelid surgery

With a full eyelid surgery, both the upper and lower eyelids are touched up, giving you back a more awake, youthful look.

Sarasin Clinic eyelid surgery areas complete
Sarasin Clinic upper eyelid surgery

Specialist in eyelid surgery for years

Thanks to its many years of experience in plastic and aesthetic surgery, Sarasin Clinic has become the absolute specialist in eyelid surgery in Ghent. With more than 120 operations per year, eyelid corrections no longer hold any secrets for us. Thanks to the more than 10 years of experience of our plastic surgeon, we have constantly improved this procedure, allowing us to drastically reduce scarring.

From our private clinic in Sint-Martens-Latem, you also enjoy a double advantage: you can count on the knowledge of a surgeon from a general hospital, but in the comfort and privacy of a private clinic.

Sarasin Clinic Building

What is the procedure for eyelid surgery?

Although still a surgical procedure, eyelid surgery is not so bad. Many times this procedure can be performed under local anesthesia, and you can go home the same day.

What is the aftercare process for eyelid surgery?

Download the aftercare instructions here

Before & After photos eyelid surgery

Price eyelid surgery

Initial consultation (this cost will be fully detroughed from the total amount of your treatment when you have it performed)From €50
Upper eyelid surgery
Upper eyelid correctionFrom €1,200
Lower eyelid surgery
Correcting lower eyelidsFrom €1,650
Full eyelid surgery
Correcting both upper and lower eyelidsFrom €2,500
Optionally, you can opt for general anesthesia. In that case, a cost of €300 is added to the total amount for anesthesia.From €300
Sarasin Clinic plastic surgeon

Book an initial consultation here

Book a free, no-obligation consultation now and get advice tailored to your skin and needs.

Eyelid surgery frequently asked questions

What can you expect after eyelid surgery?

Risks and possible complications of eyelid surgery

How best to prepare yourself for eyelid surgery?

What is the procedure for eyelid surgery?

What after the surgery?

Can I drive a car after eyelid surgery?

How long should I rest after eyelid surgery?

How do you prevent pressure on your eyelids after eyelid surgery?

How do your eyes look three days after eyelid surgery?

Can I shower after eyelid surgery?

Can I wear makeup after eyelid surgery?

Can I put in contact lenses after eyelid surgery?

Can I go in the sun or under a tanning bed after eyelid surgery?

When will you see the final result of eyelid surgery?

What is it OK to do after eyelid surgery?

What should you NOT do after eyelid surgery?

How do I make an appointment for eyelid surgery?