Fable or fact? Eight facts about hair loss in men
Did you know that eight out of ten men are confronted with hair loss? Hair loss in men is thus acommon problem and it has different causes. The most common causes are physical stress, change in diet or medication. Furthermore, a receding hairline can also begenetic.
Because there are a lot of misconceptions about hair loss in men, put Sarasin Clinic lists the most important facts and fables about hair loss. Does hair loss really come from motherhood? And can you go bald by masturbating too much? You'll find out here!
#1 Wearing a hat, cap or helmet causes hair loss in men
- This is a...fable. Hair loss in men is never caused by wearing a hat or cap. Your hair is nourished from within and your hat, cap or helmet has no influence on that. Now you have an answer ready for people who tell you that your cap will cause you to go bald.
- Men with long hair may well suffer from hair loss due to certain tight hairstyles. Is this the case? Then wash your hair with fortifying shampoo. Your hair will thank you.

#2 Male hair loss comes from mother's side
- We hear this one very often: if your mom's brother is bald, you will most likely lose your precious hair too. But is this folk wisdom really true? No way, that hair loss comes from your mother's side is a fable!
- It is true that male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia) is hereditary. Furthermore, this form of hereditary baldness is passed on through the X chromosome, which your mother passes on.
- So while androgenetic alopecia does get transmitted through your mother's genes, baldness from your mother's brother is not necessarily an alarm signal. There are plenty of other possible causes for this. So you won't definitely look like that one bald uncle as a result, exercise!
- Yet your father may also be equally responsible for your receding hairline or thinning hair. Because there are 11 other genetic sequences that influence baldness. And because chromosomes are passed down generation after generation, so your father can also have a lot of influence.
#3 Masturbating causes hair loss
Would it? No way, this is a fable. It has long been thought that it is. During ejaculation a large number large number of proteins is lost. It was therefore thought that this would have an impact on male hair loss.
Fortunately, masturbation and hair loss have nothing to do with each other! Although a balanced diet with sufficient protein does ensure healthy healthy hair growth.

#4 Testosterone causes hair loss
Fact and fable. Hormonal changes are one of the main causes of hair loss. However, it is not the male hormone testosterone, but the derived hormone DHT that attacks the hair follicles when a person has androgenetic alopecia. This condition is also known as male pattern baldness. Is your crown getting balder? Then you probably suffer from this.
#5 Using mousses and hair gels can cause hair loss
- This, of course, is a fable. Hair loss in men is really not due to the use of mousses and gels. More so , no hair product causes hair loss in men. So you can feel free to keep using your favorite gel.
- Please note that there always remain residue left on the scalp, so excess hair products can affect your scalp over time. When that happens, we speak of build-up, and that may well be one of the possible causes of hair loss.
- You can make your build-up by using a clarifying shampoo shampoo. Note, however, that this shampoo is not recommended for daily use.
#6 A cut or shave makes for firmer hair
As if it is that easy, this is guaranteed to be a fable. Your hair immediately after a cut will often be a bit thicker feel, but this is only temporary. This is because your ends are much thinner than the rest of your hair, so when you cut or shave your hair, the thin part disappears.
The real problem with hair loss is inside the hair root. Unfortunately, a cut or shave can do little to change that. What can help? Hair filler or PRP! Book your treatment today at Sarasin Clinic.

#7 Only older men suffer from hair loss
- That, of course, is a fable. Also men of a young age can suffer from hair loss. Consider the autoimmune disease alopecia areata, in which there is sudden patchy baldness. In addition, there are also various forms of hereditary baldness, which unfortunately your age has no influence on.
- What is true is that in aging people the hair roots become weaker become weaker. As a result, they often struggle with hair loss and many older men walk around with a receding hairline or bald patches on the top of the head.
#8 Hair loss men: just accept it!
- Often people with receding hairlines, bald patches or diffuse hair loss are told to just accept it. People who are aging are also told that hair loss is part of the aging process.
- Is that really the case? As a man, should you just accept hair loss? Certainly notThat is a fable. Sarasin Clinic offers the solution to hair loss hair loss, namely hair fillers. Known as one of the most effective treatments, based on scientific research.
- Hair fillers help you regain a healthy head of hair, without the use of harmful ingredients. We work with DR. CYJ which are based on seven patented peptides that each in their own way will make your scalp and hair healthy again.
- During treatment, these peptides are injected into the scalp. Then the active ingredients in the hair filler cause the hair cells re activated are reactivated. Moreover, these fillers also promote hair growth in a quick and effective way.
Our team at Sarasin Clinic consists solely of specialists, and we maintain the highest standards of hygiene and safety. This is the only way we can guarantee safe working conditions, good results and satisfied patients.
Results of hair fillers in men
In addition to hair fillers, Sarasin Clinic also offers a Platelet Rich Plasma treatment, or PRP for short. In this treatment, we use your own blood. This blood is centrifuged after collection so that only the platelets remain. These are then re-injected into the scalp.
Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP provides a natural healing process through the production of stem cells. Your thin hair makes way for healthy hair growth, working only with own body substances.
Want to know more? Then surf quickly to Sarasin Clinic or make an appointment with one of our experts. Your balding areas or bald spots will be gone in no time be gone.

Videos hair loss men treat with Dr. Cyj Hairfiller
Prices hair loss men treat with Dr. Cyj Hairfiller & prp
Prijzen Haar Filler behandelingen | |
Hair filler small zone (1ml) | €200/session |
Hair filler medium zone (2ml) | €300/session |
Hair filler large zone (3ml) | €400/session |
PRP treatments prices | |
PRP treatments | |
PRP 1st session | €350/session |
PRP 2nd session | €350/session |
PRP last session (for 3 sessions total) | €250/session |
PRP for the lips | €350/session |
PRP skin improvement | €350/session |
PRP against hair loss | €350/session |