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HIFU treatment: the safe and affordable facelift without cutting

Ever thought that you could firm the skin by bringing heat into the deep layers of the skin?
EUUHHH not...

We have researched the effect of Micro Focused Ultrasound (MFU) or the (HIFU) High Intense Focused Ultrasound... - the HIFU treatment or non-invasive facelift.

HIFU: What?

Quite a stretch just to say that you bring discrete and focal heat to the deep layers of skin in localized areas, up to more than 60 degrees. This stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in the dermis.

Euuh 60 degrees...! Won't my skin burn? Well, that's exactly the nice thing about the HIFU treatment: through visualization you can see where to deliver the energy. With the visualization you can see up to 8 mm deep into the skin!

This way you can specifically deliver heat where it is needed, in the dermis that is!

And that's where the magic happens....
#reticular dermis check!

The epidermis or epidermis remains untouched because we don't need it in this story. Because of this, you have no or less redness than classic laser treatments, BUT you have super results with no risk of pigmentation disorders.

But how does such a non-invasive facelift work?

Because with a HIFU treatment you deliver energy in depth, let's say at 1.5 mm - 3 mm to 4.5 mm depth, this creates small thermal coagulation in the deep reticular dermis and subdermis to even the SMAS (the muscle that provides firmness in our face)

It is also this muscle that they manually tighten during a facelift....

Collagen is produced in this reticular dermis layer of the skin.

As you know, collagen provides the firmness of our skin. Well, as we heat up the deep reticular dermis to at least 60 degrees you get a restructuring of the dermis but more importantly new and firm collagen.

HIFU for the Win! Hell ya!!! The operation of this device is even FDA-approved which means it has passed several successful tests and it does work unlike many other devices on the market.

How does a HIFU treatment proceed?

Let us say that a treatment easily takes 45 min.

You can focus on problem areas such as, e.g.:

  • double chin (€250)
  • hamster cheeks (€250)
  • deep nose mouth crease (€250)
  • tightening of the forehead (€ 150)

You actually choose the place you want to improve, and if "moneyisnot an option" then you can get the whole face with neck done for €800.

NurseKaren circle

Are you taking enough care of your skin?

On average, from the age of 30, your skin will produce less collagen and elastin: as a result, your skin will become grayer and thicker in texture. Delay the aging process and you will be less likely to have to resort to more drastic measures.

And what happens during such a HIFU treatment ?

Well, first of all, you discuss with the doctor which areas you want to treat.

Then a numbing ointment will be applied to these areas, because yes what were you thinking.... really relaxing and comfortable it is not.

"We keep it at an uncomfortable feeling but definitely bearable"

After the ointment has done its job we get to work. The proper probe and depth are set so you can expect optimal results.

You get a cold gel on your face so that the energy can be properly controughed and the probe can slide on your skin.

Compare it to a laser flash in hair removal.

Unlike real laser treatments, here you have no chance of skin damage because this energy does not work on pigment (i.e. the epidermis is unaffected) which is mainly an advantage because you see less red after the treatment and have less chance of pigmentation disorders, which is the case with classic lasers.

What should you do after the treatment?

Simple, just nothing. And we mean that literally ... no ice laying (forbidden) because the heat that was already generated must be allowed to do its job.

3 days of no sports, you have a reason to be nice and lazy for the next 3 days 🙂

And now the most important question: when will you see the results?

Immediately after the HIFU treatment you will already see a slight improvement. You will have the best results after about 6 months.

You only need 1 HIFU treatment!

And the results can last up to 3 years.

We recommend doing a session once a year... This way you continue to stimulate the production of new collagen.

What scientific research shows:

After 6 months, 93% had improvement and firming of the skin. And 85% patient satisfaction.


(Source: PRS Global Open - Use of Micro-focused Ultrasound for Skin Tightening of Mid and Lower Face)

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