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Are there alternatives to rhinoplasty (surgical)?

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a safe alternative to surgery. Fillers are used for this treatment. It is an affordable and less drastic option.

What are fillers?

Filler injections contain hyaluronic acid, a substance that occurs naturally in the body. A rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid acts as a filler material and is injected precisely into the bridge of the nose or into the tip of the nose.

Depending on the desired outcome, the following results can be achieved with nonsurgical rhinoplasty:

  • Optical equalization of a nasal hump
  • lifting a nose tip/neustip
  • optically narrowing the nasal bridge

What can you expect from a nonsurgical rhinoplasty?

  • With a non-surgical rhinoplasty (with hyaluronic acid), you can change minor imperfections in the nose, however, this without undergoing permanent changes.
  • The treatment takes only 15 to 30 minutes, in addition, the results can last up to 6 months
  • A nonsurgical rhinoplasty can make the appearance of your nose more balanced
  • In addition, non-surgical rhinoplasty is also suitable for those who want to test whether they are comfortable with an altered nose shape before deciding to undergo surgery.

Want to remove a lump on your nose?

People who suffer from a hump on the nose can get a visually straighter nose with the help of rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid.

The goal of a nonsurgical rhinoplasty is to "fill in" the area in front of or behind the hump to straighten the bridge of the nose.

Sarasin Clinic Nurse Karen

Get the look you've always dreamed of!

Almost everyone wants to look younger, but no one wants to look like they went to a cosmetic clinic for filler injections. Our doctors combine their aesthetic sense, advanced training and experience with filler treatments to create a refreshed and rested appearance that our patients love.

Are you considering lifting the tip of your nose?

If the angle between the nose and lip is too small (i.e., your nasal tip hangs down, apart from the external aspect, this can also impede the flow of breathing. A rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid can fix this and increase the distance between the bridge of the nose and the lip again.

To strengthen/lift the tip of the nose (and prevent it from falling), an additional injection of filler or botox may be considered.

What can you expect after non-surgical rhinoplasty treatment?

  • Small bruises may develop on the nose after the injection, but they can be camouflaged with makeup. They disappear within a few days. Usually you will not be bothered by this.
  • Results can last up to 6 months. This may vary from person to person.

When can you not undergo this treatment?

Have you ever had surgery on your nose or has your nose ever been broken? Then, unfortunately, a nose treatment with fillers is not possible. This is because the chances of complications and risks are significantly increased if you have ever had surgery on your nose or a broken nose.

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